Monday, February 18, 2013

Barberena- Week 82


This week was good...nothing much to report... don't really understand how fast time goes.. but you know, whatever.

Supposedly this week contained the last day for F to smoke, unfortunately, he has fallen... I really hope he really be able to drop it.. pray for him please! Yesterday we ate breakfast with them and afterwards we gave them a blessing. Then we all went to church together. I really hope he is able to stop!!

This week teaching tithing to an investigator was a little interesting with my comp.. jajaja! he mixed up the seven days of the week with the sabbath day and the 10 percent that you need to pay for tithing... jaja.. poor guy.. he didn't really understand tithing and was paying like 50 % before his mission. It was a real challenge to teach him that.. but we are working on it!

This week is changes... for once, I don't have changes! whoop whoop! Oh and happy birthday Rylee!

So we have been doing a lot of service. We helped the familia alferez, worked in an old abandoned building they were fixing up, and helping a member move like 3 days in a row. I like service.. didn't really like it before the mish..?? but its awesome now.. developing Christlike attributes!

So we had correlation for the first time since i have been here in this area! So that was awesome... its crazy how much that stuff works.. jajaja the bishop has a big vision of getting 13 youth on their missions in the next 18 months. Our bishop is really awesome... We had a ward council yesterday and he machetied a little bit.. and he was a little ticked about the gossip that has been going on.. then he used me as an example when I gave a talk like a month ago.. that he hadn't assigned me a topic, that I chose that topic because I thought that it was a necessity of the ward... I love that guy:)

Yesterday in church we had a few miracles. 2 members decided to go out early (at 7) to go visit less actives and invite them to church. We had 7 investigators there and 8 Less actives. It really made me realize how much the members help with Less actives. And how much potential the ward has. It was a small miracle.

President Packer once said, that the phrase most mentioned in the scriptures is "ask and ye shall receive." interesting right?

Mum, thanks for your letters and stuff! on Wednesday there is a mission conference and the changes so I should get my package there. Tell my bishop from Flag thanks for the letter and also Kerry Green. I love you!
Dad, thanks for getting me all set for school... sounds like the 24 hours of old pueblo was awesome! Today we played futbol and we played the old missionaries against the new missionaries... its weird to think that I am an old missionary! but yep... time is moving fast! I love you dad!
Austin, so, its obviously a decision for the Lord, but have you ever considered going to school for a semester so that you could get a little away from home experience? and if you decide to go to NAU, we could live in a condo together with some other guys and do all kinds of crazy stuff.. but obviously.. ask the LORD! He definitely knows the best path for you... love ya!
Ellie, segi divertiendote! todo suave todo playita:)
Brynn, me parece que tenes un amor secreto! pero no tan secreto! jajaja... los chicos son chucos.. no malgastan tu tiempo con ellos! jaja

Thanks for everything you guys! You are awesome!

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