Monday, February 18, 2013

Barberena- Week 75


First off, Happy Birthday Brynn and Grandpa!!!! WHOOP!

This week has been good.. I really only have like four days of stuff happening to tell you about... considering the events last week... but non the less... here it goes!

We have had some less than ideal circumstances and events with some of our investigators.. They were starting to get a little cold, but, other parts of the work are improving! We have found some good families that I feel haven a lot of pontential. And members of the ward are bringing friends to church... well.. two members.. jajaja!

Yesterday, was a fifth Sunday, so we had the opportunity to teach the lesson... bomb? exploded. We did the rip tear and this time was probably the most effective time that it was done. I felt bad... because it made a hermana cry.. she felt the spirit.. and it was awesome. Poor thing... jaja.. but one of my motto's is that if they don't feel something, they will never change. I also prepared a talk that I did not give in sacrament meeting... it had a little bit of the subject of gossip in it... it would have been good.. but you know... whatever.

We have had some good solid days this week.. Something I haven't had that in a while.. But other days with only one lesson.. its weird.. jaja.. But I can't complain! the Lord blesses us so much.
Also, some news I guess, the family A said that we could stay with them if we ever come back.. so that's cool... that would be hotel for free! jaja.. our plans for the new year are to pass it with them as well... but their are a few other families that want us to pass by. But we will see whats up!

I have been listening to talks of Bruce R. Mckonkie.. he was like a Jeffrey R Holland.. super powerful and super like right on the nail... super caval! I am learning a ton. I love learning about the gospel.. like I expressed to you guys, gospel learning isn't about mastering facts and information.. its about mastering discipleship. I hope I can continue that for the rest of my life.

tourist stuff:
typical shirt or jersey: $10
painting: $12
machete: $12
shoes for Ellie?? $15
backpack $25
and also for the suit thing... its kinda difficult for him to make one just from measurements that you would give me for Austin just because you have to try it on a few times before he finishes everything... so it might be a little tough... not sure what you want to do?
Thank you for all your letters and what not! Ellie, sick story about getting your answer.
Brynn, happy birthday.. thank you for having such a great attitude all the time... if I could teach you one thing in life, it would be to be happy with the circumstances that God has given you... press forward continually! I love ya!
Dad, to answer some of your questions, I remember thinking that you were blowing everything out of proportion with that whole situation before I left... but now I realize that anything more tranquilo would not have worked... so dad, you handled it all well... you are an awesome dad and I am so blessed to have been raised by you and mum... Thanks for everything and keeping me on the right track. I love you

Thanks for everything! Your are all awesome!
elder TTT

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