Monday, February 18, 2013

Barberena- Week 80

Hey thanks for your letters! This week was good... It was like a blur... I can't even remember most of it.. asi que tal vez esta carta sea un poco corta...jaja..

This week was good..My comp is learning a lot... Although its still tough at times.. I am a little hard on him because its hard for him to remember, but he is progressing amazingly... he doesn't even have two years to be a member of the church! He was baptized on the same day as hermana Elizabeth. 19 of Sept 2011! So I am still firm, but less hard on him... I love that guy.. he is awesome... He is so humble and has a huge desire to learn. ... 

So this week, father of a member (who is our investigator) took us out for dinner... I have never had that happen and the person not get baptized... so that was good news! He is dating a member from illopango and he has been looking into the church for a couple months and he is loving it. He said he is looking to change his life a little bit... so that dinner of pupusas was very delightful. He told us a lot of cool stories about history and the world and his trip to Cuba. He said it is a really cool country... despite its political system... but you know, whatever.

I am tired of people telling me that they have already been baptized!!!!!

So this week after lunch, we had planned to go to a members house to see if they had prepared a reference for us... we got there and they were in the middle of hanging drywall in their house (an unheard novelty in this country!) But so we helped her and her family for like an hour... and afterwards, one of the members friends was there. And we were about to leave and she was like, "Elders! you`re not leaving are you? Teach my friend about the church!" so that was cool... kind of an Ammon experience.. where are you going!? Feeding horses kind thing.. jajaja!

We have a family with a fecha. They have lots of challenges, but they seem to be getting over those challenges because they have their eyes set on the goal of their baptism, and a happy and united family. I am so grateful for this gospel and the blessings it brings to families. Thanks for the idea to help them stop smoking!
So I have started teaching English once a week at the church.. that is a cool experience and it has something to do with what I want to do right after the mish to make some money.. but we will see! It has provided some teaching experiences out of it as well.
I got my new suit this week... its like a really light gray... like one of Austins suits that he used for one of his dances... :)its sick.. its like super slim.. I have expressed to you how they make their clothes here... its kinda europeanish??

Happy Birthday to everyone! Including me.... freak.. it hit me last week that I am almost 21,,, I am freaking old.... but I will be always a kid:)

Our Stake President this week shared a good scripture for macheting people for not doing home teaching... it was super good and really taught the importance of it all.. Alma 4:19

I have the overwhelming desire to make music... todavia.

So my favorite juice down here is de arrayan... its like nectar from the gods... anyway, yesterday a member gave me like two liters of that and I drank it all! I love it!

Dad, sounds like everything is going good with you! So I was talking with chepe alferez and I was telling him what you do for a living... he said that you might try working with big companies like Marriott all over the world. And make them mini golf stuff. Because they always have money and they are everywhere! I said I would mention it to you... so now I did...jajaja he used to work for Marriott...So it must be a little chilly up there... its bloody hot here.. jajaja! I guess that's good news that you sold the boat! What are you considering now? I have always liked those mastercrafts... and malibu... and nautige.. but you know... whatever! Keep doing the stuff you are supposed to be doing! I love ya pops!
Mum, thanks for everything! You are pretty awesome...I am super lucky to have such a good mum... My package hasn't come yet but I assume it will be here on Wednesday... we have a multi zona on Wednesday.. my b day! whoop! so hopefully it will be here:) I hope everything is going well! I love you!
Austin, good luck with throwing! You are a freaking stud... sounds like magic mountain was sick! Whats the theme for Sadie's?. Anyway, I love you bro! Keep up the good work!
Ellie, keep having that great attitude.. I really like that quote... We cannot control others or our circumstances... we can only control what we do and how we ya!
Brynn, don't be nervous for poston, you are going to love it! I am sure you will be able to get some of the classes you want... you usually always do! I love you!

Thanks for everything! You are all awesome!
I forgot to shave my mustache today... its coming in nicely:)

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