Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Valle Nuevo- Week 27

MTC buddies!

Holy cow, this week went super fast and was super good! LEGIT. Happy birthday Cannon this week! So this morning I sent a package... ask me how much it was..... ask me.... $74. Don't ask me why... it was like 8 pounds... but the only option was to get it there super it should come this week.. There´s a lot of stuff that I haven´t been using so I decided to send it some other stuff... better to send it home than let it waste a bunch of space.. jaja. But we got to ride in a police truck this morning. That was pretty cool... we were sitting there waiting for the bus, and the police truck drove by and my comp asked for a ride super far (he was just joking..funny joke right?)...then he said he could take us to the plaza... right where we needed to be! jaja... so we got a ride with them... jaja
good band Elder Brose told me to write down for when I get back: Muse..
Alvaro didn´t go... something to do with the stake president some other papers to fill out or whatever because he didn´t go when his call said.... is what he told me... but some other sources of mine says differently.. that his mom has been hiding his passport and papers and stuff because she doesn´t want him to go... I´m really grateful that I have a family that supports me out here.. but it just kinda sucks for him..
I think I might have my first month of my mission where I don't baptize... its a little bit depressing.. but we´re working hard...
My comp teaches really weird. but that's OK.. I love being around him.. its fun! its just a different way to teach sometimes... jajaja... but we´re doing good!
I went on divisions this week with an Elder Mehr. He is really fun to be around and we taught some powerful lessons.. he came in with the group of Elder Brose. But we stayed up until like 2 in the morning just talking about deep doctrine. It was fun! I think it is so funny what we get excited about now as missionaries. It is so funny what we talk about at 12 in the morning.. jaja... but I did learn something good.. To have a warmer shower, all I gotta do is boil some water and heat up some water in a bucket that way! whoo hoo! so every other day, when there is no water, I bucket shower with semi warm water:) cool! but the shower water is actually pretty warm.. its just the bucket showers that are cold... but NOT ANYMORE! jaja.
got a packet from the Krams.. a tie and some candy.. tell them thank you!
SO the meeting with Elder Nelson... well... he didn´t show up... jaja. But elder Clayton did! he´s like in the presidency of the seventy or something? But he is the one who spoke last conference about the Book of Mormon. "Either the Book of Mormon is of God, or the devil... and if you think its fabricated, you´re a retard." but it was a really good meeting and filled with the spirit. One thing that I did was I wrote down the names of our main investigators and waited for the spirit to tell me what we need to do to make progress towards baptism with them and their needs.. It was a really cool experience. He did a question and answer session with us and it was legit. "the best way to gain a testimony is by bearing it" a lot of it was the scripture about line upon line, precept upon precept.. it was way good and way spirit felt. I saw my old buddies from the mtc! Elder Trump, Barba, and Robinson. And the original distrito pancho! my first district in the mission field! that was really cool...the other picture it of my comp and most of the dominicanos in the mission(falta 2, creo) But yeah! it was great! then on the hour long bus ride back, I sat next to a drunk guy.. try teaching a drunk guy about our church.. trust me.. its tough... he asked the same question over and over again...for an hour.. jaja ( i´ll come back to drunks in my letter:))
So we are teaching a husband who is married to a less active member...(well actually they are not married yet... bienvenidos a El Salvador) But we had a good lesson about acts 8:26-end of chapter. to challenge him for baptism. Side note: as missionaries, we always use the " will you follow the example of J.C. and be baptised...." this time, I wanted to says that, but it just came out different. It was more like " we invite you to follow the example of Jesus Christ..." Then he said,"wow, the missionaries have never asked me in that way before... they are usually trying to make me get baptized, but that was a lot different and now I think of it differently." Long story short, the spirit helped me to say it in a different way... because it definitely wasn´t me! jaja..Ellie, you´re right.. the spirit is awesome. It was powerful.. so now we are a few steps closer to baptism with him just because I said it differently... because of the spirit.
On Saturday, my comp decided to do a contact on the street with a drunk guy... I was like... I was like... ahhh man... but it was good. Finally we left and went to our lesson, came back to find him in a different part. He wanted us to follow him to his we went.. and found out that he has a wife and two little children, one only 22 days old. He gave us a reference and we told him we would come by tomorrow. So, yesterday we went back to find him sober and we had the most powerful, spirit filled lesson of my mission....It was incredible.. we didnt teach anything from preach my gospel, but we taught by the spirit...I have some stories that I always share to try to help and inspire people... told him that dad drank a lot and then told a story about him.. and told him, if my dad can give it up and become the man he is today, I know that anyone can... it wont be easy but you can do it.....................because this guy really wants to change.. he just needs a little extra help.. all in all, it was the most powerful lesson of my mish thus far.. humble, humble circumstances and that lesson was legit.
All in all, it was a spirit-filled week! holy sod, it was good.
I love you all! expect a package this week! I hope all is well! thanks for your letters! sorry don't have much time today... I love you!

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