Thursday, June 2, 2011

2nd week at the MTC

Que onda familia!

So once again its P-day.  We went to the temple this morning and that was awesome.  Did some initiatories.  It was the first time I did those since I went through for myself so I learned a ton!  Still learning a ton of Spanish... we have to (get to teach) the whole first lesson in Spanish this Saturday.  My comp and I struggled through a lesson in Spanish on Monday and it was a TRAIN WRECK.  But our teacher said we did good for our first time so that was at least a little comforting.  I'm still loving it here in the MTC! I tell my comp I love him every night just like Elder Driggs used to do.  Its crazy to think we've only known each other for 15 days and its like we've known each other for years.  I finally figured out who he reminds me of!... btw... He has the same sense of humor and smiling "habits" as Cole! Jaja. As soon as I figured that out, I started laughing so much more! Remember: "you can win a crowd with a smile" Plus: believe it or no, it releases endorphins into your brain to make you into a better mood.  Fun fact for you guys.. Jaja. Yeah so zone leader is going good! I just don't have hardly any personal time anymore because I've always got something going on.. So each district has anywhere from 6-12 people and our zone consists of five districts with usually a new district every week.  So our main responsibilities are to orient the new districts and meet with the district leaders to make sure everyone is in line.. Jaja. It's awesome, but I am secretly awaiting the day I get released... Jaja.  So it sounds like every thing's going good at home! Dad's clocking in some good miles as always... "THE DIESEL" You probably put in at least a seventy mile ride once a week right? that's awesome... that's the only thing that I seriously miss doing: just pedaling.. But that's ok! So Mons is going to Chile!!! I'm so excited and proud of him! He sent me a dear elder and said now Cody, me, and Mons and Hunter can make fun of our wives in Spanish now.. jaja. That is going to be a good day.  now Austin just needs to go Spanish speaking!  It sounds like all the seniors did awesome in their talks.  Scott is sodding hilarious..jaja.  I'm still getting lots of letters from people which is super cool.  I hear Katie and Andrew are keeping in touch? that's nice of them.. Anyway, all is well here!  Brynn: I lost your bear.  I'm sooooo sorry! i took pictures with it for three days then hid it in my front pocket and it fell out somewhere... can you make me a new one please? I know you put a lot of work into it..  All of the hermanas loved it and thought it was the cutest thing in the world.  Our 5 hermanas are a huge blessing in our district.  They've got a spirit about them.  Thanks for the nice letter by the way.. i love to hear from you guys.  Ellie sounds like she's doing awesome and having tons of fun!  Hanging out with the boys.. jaja..  Austin:  stay fresh.  I'll send a letter:) Don't be exactly half of an 11 pound black forest ham.  So yeah anyway! I'm actually getting kinda good at basketball.  Weird how you can get good from playing an hour everyday.. Jaja  Anyway, two more thing: can you send me two talks? both by Elder Holland. one is called safety for the soul and the other is called none were with him.  Please and thank you! anyway I love you all and can't wait to get your letters!

Elder T-wizzle

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