Hey Fam!
I cannot tell you how much I want the powers of spider man! Our area is the only area with tall apartment buildings and stuff.. and it hit me last night.. I want Spider man powers sooooo bad. Climbing buildings, catching gang members.. you know, the usual.. webs and stuff. I think my powers should be a cross between batman & spider man, because, you know I´m afraid of spiders and batman was afraid of bats so... perfect right? I thought so too:)
So yesterday I had the biggest pancho moment of my life... I saw some of our investigators on the street and I was like ´holo´ like from megamind.. I was like.. muy bien pancho. jaja
read week 5 for "John Tanner"story |
So every morning I usually have 2 pupusas, a hot chocolate, which is really good, and pan dulce. Its like a little cake. They don't really have pan dulce in the states.. but its really really good! you can find pan dulce on like every corner.. its a big temptation for me.. jaja
We have a new way to ask for food! My companion is way good at asking people to feed us.. so I asked him how he does it and he showed me a scripture.. Alma 8:19.. look it up.. its good:)
Coconuts. they are pretty big here. They are everywhere. I figured if I can last two years without a coconut landing on my head, I'm good to swim with sharks whenever I want. I decided that I like coconut now.. sometimes..:)
Last week we heard 8 gun shots while inside our apartment, then sirens.. what does that mean? scary... I guess it was only like 200 meters from our apt.. whatever.. what else is new? jaja
There was a big earthquake in the middle of the night. But neither of us felt it. We woke up to find everyone talking about it.. jaja. Así es la vida en El Salvador.:)
For the whole month of September, there is a 2 for 1 special on doughnuts. Awesome!!! Another temptation for me. crap.
Your keeping a Scrapbook of my letters and fotos?! Sweet! I have so many pics that I haven´t sent! That's so cool.. I didn´t even expect that. Thanks mum! I´ll get on that.. sending more pics, that is.. jaja
Thorntonisms. I don´t have them. Elder Trump does.. but he said that he would send them to you.. I wouldn´t doubt it if he forgot.. Did I mention I saw him at the dedication?.. it was awesome.. because he is in the other mission and all..
Transfers stink. Distrito los Panchos is no more:( Its kinda a long story but whatever. It suffices me to say that it stinks. We were a close district and Elder Coy said that he had never had a district as cool as that one. So I guess its all down hill from here.. puchica.
The rabbit! that's along story as well. A lady in the ward had a bunch of them and we asked her for one. Mistake 1. The rabbit was awesome for the first 2 days... then the cleaning up.. Elder Coy and I decided that the rule to not have pets was an inspired rule.:) So its at the house of the hermanas!!! jajaja.. but we found a good home for it and we are going to bring the rabbit there today.. jaja. I decided that I hate rabbits. Won't make that mistake twice!
The most spectacular, fantastic, miraculous part of the week. I HEARD THE NEW COLDPLAY SONG! It was so awesome.. I almost cried.. but I held back my tears because I thought that the members who I was with might think I'm crazy.. jaja. But it is so beautiful.. We are going to be with those members again tonight.. so... do you need me to put the dots together? jaja:) When does the new CD come out?
For the most part... some of the members here target us with gossip like its their job! They say that we went to the movies and that me and Elder Coy have girlfriends here in the mission. I have no idea how that even started. And the AP called us about the fair incident.. remember that? He said the president is all worried about us.. puchica. freaking gossip. DON'T GOSSIP. If its not about you, then don't talk about it. The thing is that the Pres is new, so he is going to believe everything that he is told. Elder Coy said that this happens a lot to missionaries and the other president knew all about all the gossip and stuff.. but you know... whatever.. No haga cosas buenas que parecen malas.
Dad, Diesel. That's so cool! Great job with the race! It sounds like a little slice of heck! But that's so awesome. That kit was sweet as well. Who´s team is that? I was able to watch a little video and stuff and that was sweet! and a good time as well! ¨T-shirt idea: My dad is a diesel. Cool right? Awesome job dad. Yeah, it rains everyday here. Only for like two hours though.. usually.. jaja. and thank you for the package! but anyway, love you dad!
Mum, I got the package! thank you! I didn´t even have to ask for a life strength band.. you know me so well :) And the oil and how to kill bugs and all that. The pictures were sweet as well! Those paddle board things look fun! I also got letters from Sis. Allen, and Sis Cottam, and Lindsay.. tell them thank you. It also made me realize that I forgot Scott's birthday! Tell him happy birthday for me.. its the 24 of July right? just like dad? anyway.. park city sounded like loads of fun! I´m sure it stinks to back to the heat a little bit though.. jaja. But thanks for everything mum! I love you.
Stee, I´m sorry the leather guy doesn´t make bags like I thought.. I saw a picture of one and it is not as cool as I thought.. its just a scripture case for your scriptures.. but I´ll keep my eye out for some cool bags..lots of missionaries have cool bags.. I just gotta find them! So one of my pics is me without a shirt. you sent a picture like that to me.. so I sent one back. jaja. I decided that I will take one every transfer to compare over time.. good idea? I think so.. I´m pretty sure my chest is getting bigger than yours... jajajajaja just kidding.. maybe one day.. love you brotha! yeah,the pic of us at lake Powell was funny..
L, how goes it? did you go to park city as well? tell me all about it! read your scrips. i´m still working on getting a hold of the guy that makes the scripture cases.. I´m trying! Love ya Ellie!
B, cómo está? todo está bien? espero que sí. jaja. did you get to go to park city too? how was it? tell me all about it! Like I told Ellie.. I´m still working on the scripture cases.. be patient! love you B!
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