Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Zacamil- Week 6

Hola familia!
How´s everything going? Its super cool to be able to" kinda" talk to you guys. The weeks have just been flying by. Its pretty insane.. I dunno if Ive mentioned this before but the last chapter in Jacob -almost the last verse talks about lives passing away as if they were dreams... its been like that every week... I´m always surprised to find p-day here again.. jaja
So last Monday night, we went on divisions and I was with Elder Jones. We got to his apartment like five min early and the phone rang.. so I answered it. It was my comp Elder Coy at our house, But he was like, boy have I got a story for you! It was lucky you weren´t with us! So I asked him why? and he said some bolo asked him for money and he said he didn´t have any.. like we do... and when they were in the median of the street, the guy pulled out a gun and said "Voy a matarles, mormones!" So they ran from there to the apartment as fast as they could. I was like... holy crap!!! But its all good! We are all alive still. The lord wont let us die.. we just gotta be smart and run! jaja. So that was a good start to my week.. ;)
Speaking of bolos... when they try to talk to me in English.. or Spanish for that matter.. I make a confused look with my face and say. solo alemán. in choppy Spanish. that means only German! jaja. so I get away with that pretty regularly.. jaja:)
Also, lots of people ask about my power balance band.. I wear it backwards so you cant see anything but people still ask.. Try explaining that in Spanish. Talking about negative and positive ions in your body and science theories and all that.. I cant even explain it in English! jaja.. Anyway.. you know.. whatever.. I have learned to just say its for equilibrium in your body.  But I´m pretty sure that my has run out of juice.. its almost a year old! jaja.
So also last week.. we were trying to find an investigator who is like never home. he lives at his girlfriends house with her family. We went by there and the mom was there but not our investigator.. (well shes an investigator now:)) anyway, she had a brand new baby in her arms and I was talking to her about him and giving congrats and all that.. then she asked me if I wanted to hold him.. I was like, ehh, that's OK.. I really didn´t want to drop him or do something bad..plus I didn´t even really know her.. but she didn´t listen and came and put him in my arms! I was like, what the??? I asked her how many months he was.. and she said 4 days!! I was like ahhhhh! I almost dropped him! not really... that was a joke.. broma! but anyway, it was journal worthy.. the people trust you with anything!
I saw a native that was more white than me! and he had blond hair.. the whole family did. You could tell they were from here and Latin.. but it was just weird! I was like, OK sweet! maybe I don´t look so much like a gringo;)
My first couple weeks I always felt like there was a possibility that I might die while riding the bus here. Well not die, but just get in a crash.. well maybe die... jaja! They drive crazy here. but I realized this week that I don´t feel like that anymore!  I'm getting used to it. That was a big accomplishment or mile mark in the mission for me:)
 So I have another tree snake story. Like the one with grandpa.  It could not have been more perfect. Unfortunately I wasn't there to see it but,  it was when we were on divisions with the ZL´s. But my comp and the ZL were doing interviews and found a toy snake.. just like the one with grandpa.. but it e looked even  more real. Its head stood up like it was looking at you and everything!. So they decided to go to the house of the hermanas... I´m sure you see where this is going.. the sisters weren´t there yet, because it was like 5 in the afternoon. They threw the snake in the window and left. They heard it landed  perfect...because every time they would try and open the door, the door would hit the head of the snake and it would start to move!!!!!! LONG STORY SHORT, one sister was stuck in the house, and the other wouldn´t come in because she was terrified. I guess there were some tears.. but its all good... now!
OK so now, I would like to tell a story that kinda surprised me.. I dunno why it did, but it did. We met this guy who used to be a lawyer. He was a member of our church! He had the world by the tail. He was in the US legal! He was rich and all that.. rich for here.. but  then he started to smoke... then  started smoking marijuana... then crack. He lost everything.. he´s job, his family, his religion, his citizenship, everything. He just recently lost his girlfriend and where he was living. Crap like that happens here just like in the US. poor guy.. we have an extra mattress that we are going to give him and he was really excited about that.. now we just need to find him again. So also, we had a car wash
this weekend!  That is why Í was in normal clothes and sun burnt.  It was really cool! We got some references out of it and it was way fun! We only washed two cars, so we would play soccer in between... and I did my first realy rainbow! (not cheating) it was perfect! Like exactly over my head and in front of me.That made it into my journal as well.
Also, we might get a rabbit today. A lady in are ward has a bunch and giving them away! we´ll see:)
We got soaked yesterday. We left all of our things at the church to go pick up some investigators and the rains came down like no other! I looked like I just jumped in the pool.. and someone decided to turn the air conditioning on in the church so I was wet and freezing.  So for the first time in the mission. I got hives. Then that night, it poured again and we were far from our apartment. We had umbrellas which helped a little bit, but we still got soaked. Even in the city, the drainage system isn´t very good so were like shin high in water. It was a cool experience I guess.. jaja!
Romans 8:35,37
Mum, for my package, can I get some degree deodorant? Its super expensive here.. and priesthood line of authority.. and I need some garments, but I´m going to the distribution center today, so hopefully they have the kinds I like.. if not I´ll let you know next week;) It was really cool to email back and forth this morning!!!  I love you !
Dad, sick frame. that was so cool! good luck this weekend! you´ll do great. Don't give in! I love you dad.
Stee, sounds like you're having a blast! the guy does make leather bags so I´ll get one for you. I´m gonna get one as well! Keep working hard. Love you brotha.
L, thanks for the letter! It was really cool to talk to you all!
B, It was so cool to be able to see you with the pictures and the video. I never got the sound to work, but I´ll save it for when I have a computer with sound.
I love you all! Thanks for everything!

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