Thursday, August 4, 2011

Zacamil-week 2

Hola Familia!
So I got the package this week. The office actually said that it got there before I arrived in El Salvador. It just took awhile to get it to me for some reason.  But that was so cool! I don't think I've ever been so excited over a honey stinger waffle in my life.  Those things are the best invention since the cotton gin. Jaja. But yeah I haven´t thrown up again! Just lots of dearra(spanish) But yeah! Actually they dont eat the same things in guatamala as the do in el salvador. No one eats pupusas except salvadoreños. So my comp Elder Coy told me that he got sick his first week here as well.  I still seem to get sick to my stomach all the time... but what else is new.. jaja.  I´m actually thinking about taking a big gulp of tap water.  Then I would be sick for a few days and then be set for the rest of my mission. I'll just take an anti- parasite pill for a week when i get home.. That´s what some missionaries keep telling me to do. jaja.
But yeah we cleaned our apartment a little bit. its just hard to do because there´s not enough time in the day.  But we´re working on it.
I´ve got mosquito bites EVERYWHERE. I spray myself all the time but whatever.
So, I felt so dumb that I didn´t say anything about dads birthday.. I was thinking about it all last sunday and didn´t say anything in my letter.. So happy birthday! And also happy birthday,mum in a couple days.
I got a cool futbul jersey the other day, and my comp and I split the cost of a new ball.. he hasn't played for 13 months and now we play almost every morning. Basically getting these things was like christmas. His dad is actually a pro soccer player,and number 10! That's
legit. Before his mission, my comp said that he could have gone pro, but he decided on a mission and said that soccer could wait. His girlfriends name is Hermana winters. But he also has a plan B..another girl who's serving in the other mission in El Salvador, Hermana
Hernandez. so just in case the 1st girl doesn't work out! :) Its kind of expected here for
girls to serve missions. One missionary here, from costa rica asked his companion if his girlfriend was going to serve and he was like, probably not.. and then his comp was like, why?
I dunno, its a lot more common here than in the states for women to serve.
Yesterday was pretty awesome.  We went to 2 sacrament meetings and quite a few investigators
came.  We´re baptizing a girl this weekend and we have another baptism date for the 20th of this month. Its pretty awesome. My comp said that every single month of his mission so for, he's baptized someone.  Also, I had to annoint a three people this week in spanish.. i never learned that kind of Spanish vocab. At the MTC. so that was a little different.. But i got through it!
Last night was a little creepy. We were asked to dedicate a house of a family in our ward. The sister told us about these creepy weird things that were happening in her house and thought it was like some spirit of the devil or something like that. she told us about noises that she hears in the night and knockings at the door when no ones there, her dreams, just a bunch of weird stuff.. so we dedicated the house and gave her a blessing and called it good. We also talked about how when joseph smith went to go pray he was seized upon by Satan and told her all that she had to do is call upon God in the name of Jesus Christ.  It was pretty strange, just weird seird stuff. But then my comp told me afterwards that the people here are very
superstitious and that the people claim that this happens more than you think. most of the people here are from the tribe Manasseh. He said that somewhere in the scriptures, it says that that this tribe is promised to have dreams.... like weird dreams or something... who knows? have you ever heard this?
But yeah, everything's good!
Hey, I can get some sweet scripture cases made here. Whoever wants one, give me the size of your quad, like if its a small one or normal one, ( I think dad has a normal and mum has a
small) but let me know who wants one and the size of the scriptures! It takes a while, but
they are way sweet.  Also my comp gave me a sweet bag that i´m kinda excitd about.
But yeah, sorry i forgot my address to the mission home, but my package got to me??? next week I ´ll send it.
I hope everythings going good! thanks for all your letters and stuff! its cool to here from all of you. I hope i answered all your questions, there were a lot of them! But yeah, i guess
down here is kinda like mexico, but a lot different. Keep asking me your questions if i dont answer. How do I write cody? Do you have his box number?
Anyway, thanks to you all!  We might go get some iguana for lunch today... are you a fan of delicious flavor??? jaja
I love you!

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