Saturday, December 8, 2012

Santa Tecla- Week 69

This week was absolutely incredible. Thanksgiving feast was pretty non existent, but you know, still thankful for tons of stuff.
So last Monday, we went to a members house that lives in an American community. (BTW, my area is the second richest of the mission.) Anyway, it was a mom and a daughter, both salvadoreñas... and the mom looks absolutely gringa... like super gringa... like, I thought she was a gringa because her hair is so blond and her skin is so white... but that's not even the crazy part, she talks like our cousin. jajajaja... so you can only imagine that we were there for a while just listening to her... jajaja!.

On Tuesday, we had divisions with the assistants. I went with Elder Naylor, a fellow cyclist, and it was awesome... I actually hosted him in the MTC when he came. Their area is the area of the temple, so we got to teach at the temple which was awesome. We also walked inside the temple to drop some stuff off at the front desk and guess who I find........ Frank Wall. It was so awesome to see him.. and he was super excited about it all. and me too. Basically on Tuesday, I learned that I have so much to learn. Elder Naylor is an awesome missionary. Also on Tuesday, a powerful convert from my ward left for his mission to Argentina. He is a super cool guy and is the only person who I have met that knows who the bands are that I like:) he also gave me a few to look up:The cribs, the libertines, the national, and Interpol. never heard of them...jaja.

We also had multizonas this week. A huge part was on faith. I really learned a lot. Its kinda funny how the Lord prepares you for things like multizonas. For the past week or two, I have been thinking about my faith, and what I can do to increase my faith and baptize. I have always believed that the culture of the mission should not determine success, but there is absolutely no excuse to not baptize every month. I could say that I have done all I can do, but if that were true, I would be baptizing a lot more.

The last couple weeks, I have really been realizing the responsibility that I have as a leader in the mission. Before, I didn't really think much of it. But about a month ago, it all hit me like a rock. It is a huge part of my responsibility to help the zone baptize. And that may sound obvious, but when it actually enters your heart, its a lot different. At times I feel really incapable at times, not only to be a representative of the Lord, but to be a leader in the mission. At times I don't know what to do, but that's where the power of prayer comes in. We have been trying to help them with their accountability to the Lord. So we have thought up a number of questions to ask themselves at the end of each day.. and to put them on their pillow before their prayers every night.

Also, I am super grateful for having Elder Graves as a companion. I have really learned urgency from him. The urgency of the work. And I feel that through him, I have become a little more converted to being a witness of Jesus Christ, of being a missionary. I know that it is the work of the Lord. And it has become my life and my conviction.

Marion G Romney said, "I always know when I am talking by the holy ghost, because I always learn something from what I say." I have definitely and a few of those moments this week and its awesome.

There is a guy in my ward that has the same posture as Austin when he was like ten and put his shoulder up`and put his ear next to it..jajajaja.

band of teancum is growing stronger. members count: 5

We have had a lot of opportunities for service this week. We helped build a house on the volcano and painted a house in the valley... cool beans!

there was a relief society activity on Saturday where I saw a lot of people from my ward in Nuevo Lourdes.:) Then yesterday there was a special conference from the area president, Elder Martino. Last night, I saw people from every one of my areas. One person from Zacamil, one from Valle Nuevo, a bunch from Nuevo Lourdes. And one from San Vicente. They were from that one family that I told you about that is just awesome. Alejandra and her mom. They gave us lunch on Sundays and were basically my family in San Vicente. I was super super excited to see her and it made my week. awesome stuff:)

We had an interesting experience with someone that we are teaching. Its that guy that has Parkinson's, He really wanted to go to church and he told his wife that if he doesn't feel good, he might take something to kill himself.. so we talked with my tia of this area who happens to be a psychologist, and she gave us some advice, We had a good lesson with him last night. I think that he gets how important he is to his family and to the Lord now:)

So today you guys get a long letter because I copied and pasted a few things that I wrote to president:) hope you enjoy!
Elder Thornton.

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