Friday, October 5, 2012

La Torre- Week 61

Wow this week flew like a mother... I am really shocked that it is Monday again, but I am so grateful for it!!! jajajaja. So first on the docket, HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRIM!!!.. don't know how I remembered that one... I got sick one day this week where I felt like throwing up all day, and I did just a little and it was gross, so I stayed in the house for a few hours and slept:) but now I am good! sick whips gone. I had a dream when I was sleeping that day that I was home. I woke up and thought, I CANT GO HOME! I LOVE THE PEOPLE TOO MUCH! The thing about the mission is weird. Like, we pay to work where other jobs, we work to get paid... but nothing could be more rewarding than missionary work! crazy.
Apostasy of the week: "Jesus Christ came and changed the law of moses because it was too strict and now we are all saved by grace."
This area is really cool.. it kinda has that small town feel, like the last Saturday of the month the whole city has this party thing. Weird stuff like that. I like my comp.. I finally got a comp that actually is experienced and knows how to teach. so BONUS! Our house is cool... we have a washing machine that's broken. We Wash our clothes by hand.. which is actually a lot easier than what one would think. I like our house a lot.. its a little older but it is one of the better houses I have lived in in my mission:) The area is covered with catholics, something unique in this area... I call it catholic town:) And theres some tranvesties... I don't like to walk by them,... they always say something stupid to me.
Theres a guy in my area who is 126 years old. wow!
So that Doctor that I told you all about last week has read the book of Mormon once already. And is reading for the second time... she is super smart! She doesn't like TV even... she read the book in about a month. crazy.. some people are just ready.. most members don't even read like that... an investigator should have a spiritual experience every day... and most members don't have that???? what the??? Even a lot of missionaries don't have that.
We had a lesson with a part member family.. They just got married and the husband lives in the states but comes to visit.. He is trying to get her papers ready so that she can head up north. His dad was the first member in San Vicente and he is still a member of the branch where I am currently serving. Anyway, we starting teaching her this week and we taught the first lesson. We got to the point about the first vision and she just stared at the picture. Then we sat in silence for whet seemed like minutes, then we asked what she was feeling and she started crying. She couldn't answer but we knew that she knew. We do not fear silence. We teach with it, and the spirit uses it.
We found a pastor this week.. he wants us to come over tomorrow so we can spend all day talking about doctrine... we´ll see about that--- its cool though because he is a humble pastor.. he actually listens to us and understands where we are coming from.
Teaching another chosen one who lives in the same complex as a member.  We taught the word of wisdom and she asked the member, "WHY have you been giving me coffee every morning?! We HAVE to stop" so they have stopped:)
We had the temple activity this weekend! It was absolutely amazing, the first convert I saw was hna Elizabeth! She was so happy and so active! Then when we were about to leave, I saw Rosa and Veronica, two converts from my first area and I asked them if they were there for the activity, and they said, "no! we are here to make covenants in the temple" I was so happy. I cannot tell you the joy that comes to your heart when you see the people you taught: active and going to the temple. I could not even try to explain it. I also saw many other people from other wards that I have served in and it was awesome:)
I gave a talk in sacrament meeting. The branch Pres asked me like 5 min before sacrament started... nice.. but it turned out OK... I looked at it as if I were disassembling their bomb shelter to get ready for the BOMB!
We visited a family in the ward this week that had a family member that had had an accident that very day. We asked if we could do anything and they asked me to offer a prayer.. I felt that when I started the prayer that it wasn't in the Lords plans to keep him living.. so I gave a prayer of comfort and we left.. the next day, We found out that he had died and we had a service for him yesterday. I love the way the spirit works.
This week I prayed for pops and what to say to him so that he could have some added guidance with the business this week.. I got an answer and thought that I would remember it in the morning and write it down to write to him.. yeah.. didn't remember at all about what revelation I had received.. so I asked the same question the next night and realized that I received the same answer as the night before,,, so, when you receive revelation, write it down, or you will forget it. So this is the revelation that I received of what I could write to you pops: The best thing that you can do is pray morning and night and read the scriptures every day... not just read them but study them for AT LEAST 15 MIN. and go to the temple once a week with prayer and ask God for direction. Do it to it pops, I know that I cant receive revelation for you, but that's what I received of what I could write to you to help you out... :)
So a weird story: So after the funeral service yesterday, we walked a member of our ward home, because its dangerous for a woman to walk alone in the dark in El salvy.. so we got within like two blocks of her house and she was like.. well thanks! I can make it from here... so we left and we went to one of our lessons.., about twenty min after we said bye to that girl, she called us crying and told something had happened and my comp asked her where she was and then the call dropped.. so we were like, sorry but we gotta go.. so we left and started booking it towards her house.. thinking like the worst right? like rape, kidnapped.. beat up, everything is going through my head. We finally found her a block and a half from her house and told us that her drunk brother came in and started fighting with everyone in the house and knocked his brother out.. so she left crying and didn't know what to do.. she was telling us what was going on and we just listened and she cried. So we prayed and said bye...she may or may not have cried a little on my shoulder which was really uncomfortable as a missionary. But what was I going to do? jaja
 Mum, love ya and thanks for the letter! I have a small Christmas list now... is that weird? I would like a pair of brown leather Sperry's.. probably size nine.. my skinny RVCA green cords, a skinny tie, and another moleskine notebook but smaller than the ones you gave me:) like a pocket size:) I love you to the moon and back mum! I hope all goes well this week! BTW, started a dream book this week because I had a super vivid dream.. and Richard G Scott said last conference that dreams a a good source of revelation! So if I write all my dreams down, I will show God that it is important to me and therefore receive more revelation! WHOOP!. I love you so very much! If the Christmas list is too much to ask for then don't worry:) I just thought I would tell you now because last year you sent it super early:) I love you!
Philippians 4:13

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