Thursday, November 10, 2011

Zacamil- Week 16

Hola Familia!
Hey sorry I'm a little late today..I was on the other side of the city like all day today... and the freaking bus took like an hour and a half to get home...  I don't really have much time... so I'll just tell you about today! And if  have some time, some of the sick stuff that has happened these past couple weeks.
Today we went to the temple!!!! So legit... I picked up some stuff in a Spanish session that I had never really noticed in English before... it was awesome. The president came with us as well so that was really cool... I also saw Frank Wall. He is so chivo. He is the only one in 6 months that has called me by my first name... it was a little funky! But He came up and gave me a huge hug and was talking to me about the family and all that. It was really cool to see him. I'm sure he'll be writing someone here pretty soon as well... asi me dijo..jaja.. So, two zones went to the temple today... including the zone that Elder Coy is in! He was waiting for me in the celestial room and gave me a big fat hug as well... I guess this day was just filled with hugs! Then we went and played some Futbol together... the two zones!! that hardly ever happens... jaja It was so darn fun... I swear.. I am the biggest futbol fan now... crazy what eating pupusas can do to you... jaja. But I was thinking.... I dunno what you sent me in my Christmas package, but maybe it would be cool just to send me a little money to buy some soccer shoes????? If not that's totally cool... I will be happy with anything!
Also, thanks for the video! I could only watch one... but that's just because they made me switch computers and this one doesn't have the software to play the videos... que chafa... but I'll see the rest on Monday! its already almost Monday... crazy....
For all you that are wondering, YES! the familia Ochoa got baptized! on Monday I'll tell you a little bit more about my next letter.
Mum, Thanks for your letter and the videos and all that! looks like everything is going great from what I see... To answer some of your questions... I had some oil on my hands in those pictures.. you have to put oil on your hands to make pupusas... jaja.. yes we were making them at the familia Lopez. super buena ondas... But it was really fun! Elder Brose is a legit cook so he taught me a few things one night when we didn't have a dinner this morning, I made myself arroz con leche... soooooo delicious. I like my comp and all... he's really good... I think we just kinda bug each other in a few ways...  but who knows? we could get over it in a couple weeks! There's usually three types of companions that you can have. 1. They'll be like a best friend for the rest of your life. 2. They're nice guys... you sometimes will talk to them after the mish, but its not like type one. and then 3. You just hate em.... but he's good... in the 2 category. I sent a picture of an Elder and me at a zone conference ( multizona) His name is Elder Nicholas Reid... He's legit. He goes home at the end of November.  I have always really looked up to him as a missionary and stuff... He is our zone leader... Anyway.... food for thought:) Also, I did know that there is a futbol team for SLC. jaja  If I had to choose a team for the US, I would say New York or LA. But anyway, I love you mum!
Dad,  Speaking of soccer, I was thinking of making some jerseys for our family. Wanna know who owns the team for New York? RED BULL! their jerseys are legit! So I was thinking that would be cool for our family.. what do you think? I think it would be way funny and super chivo...jaja... I'm glad that the primary is going good... how old are they again? Just gotta keep persevering..  and dude you gotta get back on the bike! hows it going to feel if your son is faster than you after being gone for two years? We don't want that do we? jaja just ya pops
Stee. As for your "plan" believe me I have thought about that... jaja!  por eso estaba pensando y estaba curioso sobre la cancion de coldplay, up with the birds! porque le dijo a mama algo sobre pues... but so you are the strongest person in the school? eres tan humilde tambien... jaja!  I think I'm pretty much the strongest missionary here as well....;)  jaja! but anyway... read your scrips... say hi to people for me.. as well as Bro. Rupp and my home dogs in seminary.. jaja salu
Ellie.. where did you come from? where did my sister go? holy crap that story that you wrote me about was legit... and the way you applied it was even more legit... 2 legit... 2 legit 2 quit. Anyway... thanks ell bell... have a great weekend! talk to you Monday:)
Brynn, you fasted all the way? that's insane... I am impressed... usually what we do is eat a huge breakfast Saturday morning and start our fast Saturday morning... so then we can eat Sunday morning and we are sleeping during the hardest part! crazy... but I'm real proud of you!
I love you all and I'll write you about cooler stuff on Monday! Salu panchos!
Elder T-wizzle wizzle fo shizzle my nizzle bam tizzle tizzle my shizzle pizzle bam bam my pockets are getting full . shizzle shizzle salu.
That was my rap for the day. Love you!

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