Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Zacamil-Week 15

HOla Familia
This week went by so fast! and now its already Halloween! Crazy! I liked all the pictures! All of your costumes were funny and the pics of Austin doing the foos-ball was cool also. This morning for p-day, we played some real futbol. It was way fun and I got sunburned, which was legit. I cannot tell you how much of a soccer fan I am now. It is so fun! but anyway... Thanks for all your letters and stuff!
I have to shave everyday now... it sucks... but I guess I'm almost a grown man... but always will be a kid at heart:)
Hey maybe it would be cool if you sent me a memory card full of videos that I can watch on my camera like every time you send a package. That's what this one Elders family does and it is actually really cool! just a thought :)
Last Monday, I ate some corn like the corn from Nacho Libre. I was like..... I was like...... GET THAT CORN OUTTA MY FACE! jaja. It was actually pretty good. Also, we learned how to make pupusas. I'm pretty much pro... My comp really likes to cook a lot. In our mission, we don't cook, but he's still teaching me a lot. I always ask him how they make the stuff we eat and he always knows exactly how its done. So even though we don't cook, I'm kinda learning how to cook! jaja...Also about my comp, he got sick for a day last week. I guess he had parasites in Guatemala in the mtc... poor guy. so I gave him a blessing and now he's all better! SO that's good...
Yeah, so this week passed really fast. Whenever I have weeks like that... well its awesome. I think that I have shared this scripture before, but its passes like a dream... just like it was said in Jacob 7:26. crazy. A few great things happened this week... one of which is that I got a letter from ASH! It was legit. One of my favorite people in the world. She's got a funny sense of humor and inserted a picture from the show community and wrote a quote on the back... I was laughing so hard. But she also said something that was so... cavalita... there's not really a translation for that word, its slang here... but its like... so right on.. hitting the nail perfectly...??? I dunno.. but she was like, "'sorry I haven't really written you. I could use the excuse of saying that I don't have time but this letter took me like 7 min to write... but sometimes its just easier to send prayers rather than letters. So that's what I've been doing:)'' Something like that. But its so true. But just so you know, I understand! I dunno what I'm trying to say... but you know... whatever! cavalita.
Another great thing that happened this week. Remember the familia Ochoa? One about polygamy? Well, we had another really good lesson. Then we went on divisions and I went with the bishop. He answered every one of their doubts/questions with absolute clarity. I learned a ton from him. But as the lesson was wrapping up, we invited them to a baptism of a little girl (I'll talk about her in a min) then we talked about baptism for a min. Then the wife said, ''well can I get baptized tomorrow?" I was kinda thrown off guard!  jaja. But then the husband told a story about a dream he had had and that he knew that the Book of Mormon was true. It was like a dream come true. So then we put the baptismal date for this weekend. YAAAAAYY! Yup... 3 months of working with this family. My first family baptized. I am so excited. 3 months, and its finally happening this Sunday. YAY!
Also, a little girl that just turned 8 got baptized yesterday. Elder Coy and I taught her because her mom was inactive. So technically it was a baptism for the ward, but in my heart, she was mine.. not to say that I baptized one more person... but just because we got to teach her and helped her mom to go back to church. It was awesome. Whenever that little girl sees us she runs at me and yells ELDER THORNTON! and gives me a huge hug.  She has been a huge example for me. She's so sweet.
Also, we found a family this week where the son is a member but the parents are not. We are going to visit them today. The only hard thing is that they only have free Sundays like once every 4 or five Sundays or something... but we'll see.
DAD, I'm glad everything is going good! That's crazy that the tour de Tucson is already here again. And the trade show. I hope everything goes good with that. Have you done the trade show in Europe yet? You need to! We've been talking about it for like two years and you always say next year... jaja. I'm glad you are liking your new calling, it'll be hard but just try to make the best of it:) As for reading your scriptures... just do it in the morning right when you get up. When you are making your shake or something. I found out at college that it quickly became a habit. I would roll out of bed and immediately sit down and study... just try your best:) love you pops!
MUM, HIIII! Thanks for your letter! and your track by track review! Do you think the new Coldplay CD is more like early Coldplay or kinda like the last one with some big songs and some classic coldplay? Just Curious :) Thank you for everything Mum...there's Christmas coming up fast! And I can't wait to talk to you! That's in like two months! Crazy...love you mum! besos
Lady, hey it sounds like you can finally have a little bit of a life now that the foos-ball is over. That's legit. When is winter formal? Who's your date again? chivo. Just remember to keep to the basics with scriptures and prayer... you'd be surprised how much they actually help. love you brotha
L, hey Ellie bellie, sounds like you are having quite the fun time too! having lots of fun with friends! just remember to be nice to everyone... even when that time of the month comes.... jajajajajajajajajajajaja! just kidding ell bell. Have a great week! love ya
Brynn, yours and Ellie's costume was so funny! You and her are quite creative!  They don't celebrate Halloween (dia de brujas) here... but they have a holiday called El dia de Los muertos (day of the dead) on Nov 2. and its where they celebrate and remember all of their relatives who have died and gone to a better place. They celebrate death here rather than be sad. Because they know that they all have a better life after this life. Its a huge blessing for us to know the plan of salvation! Love you Brynny!

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