Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Zacamil- Week 6
Hola familia!
How´s everything going? Its super cool to be able to" kinda" talk to you guys. The weeks have just been flying by. Its pretty insane.. I dunno if Ive mentioned this before but the last chapter in Jacob -almost the last verse talks about lives passing away as if they were dreams... its been like that every week... I´m always surprised to find p-day here again.. jaja
So last Monday night, we went on divisions and I was with Elder Jones. We got to his apartment like five min early and the phone rang.. so I answered it. It was my comp Elder Coy at our house, But he was like, boy have I got a story for you! It was lucky you weren´t with us! So I asked him why? and he said some bolo asked him for money and he said he didn´t have any.. like we do... and when they were in the median of the street, the guy pulled out a gun and said "Voy a matarles, mormones!" So they ran from there to the apartment as fast as they could. I was like... holy crap!!! But its all good! We are all alive still. The lord wont let us die.. we just gotta be smart and run! jaja. So that was a good start to my week.. ;)
Speaking of bolos... when they try to talk to me in English.. or Spanish for that matter.. I make a confused look with my face and say. solo alemán. in choppy Spanish. that means only German! jaja. so I get away with that pretty regularly.. jaja:)
Also, lots of people ask about my power balance band.. I wear it backwards so you cant see anything but people still ask.. Try explaining that in Spanish. Talking about negative and positive ions in your body and science theories and all that.. I cant even explain it in English! jaja.. Anyway.. you know.. whatever.. I have learned to just say its for equilibrium in your body. But I´m pretty sure that my has run out of juice.. its almost a year old! jaja.
So also last week.. we were trying to find an investigator who is like never home. he lives at his girlfriends house with her family. We went by there and the mom was there but not our investigator.. (well shes an investigator now:)) anyway, she had a brand new baby in her arms and I was talking to her about him and giving congrats and all that.. then she asked me if I wanted to hold him.. I was like, ehh, that's OK.. I really didn´t want to drop him or do something bad..plus I didn´t even really know her.. but she didn´t listen and came and put him in my arms! I was like, what the??? I asked her how many months he was.. and she said 4 days!! I was like ahhhhh! I almost dropped him! not really... that was a joke.. broma! but anyway, it was journal worthy.. the people trust you with anything!
I saw a native that was more white than me! and he had blond hair.. the whole family did. You could tell they were from here and Latin.. but it was just weird! I was like, OK sweet! maybe I don´t look so much like a gringo;)
My first couple weeks I always felt like there was a possibility that I might die while riding the bus here. Well not die, but just get in a crash.. well maybe die... jaja! They drive crazy here. but I realized this week that I don´t feel like that anymore! I'm getting used to it. That was a big accomplishment or mile mark in the mission for me:)
So I have another tree snake story. Like the one with grandpa. It could not have been more perfect. Unfortunately I wasn't there to see it but, it was when we were on divisions with the ZL´s. But my comp and the ZL were doing interviews and found a toy snake.. just like the one with grandpa.. but it e looked even more real. Its head stood up like it was looking at you and everything!. So they decided to go to the house of the hermanas... I´m sure you see where this is going.. the sisters weren´t there yet, because it was like 5 in the afternoon. They threw the snake in the window and left. They heard it landed perfect...because every time they would try and open the door, the door would hit the head of the snake and it would start to move!!!!!! LONG STORY SHORT, one sister was stuck in the house, and the other wouldn´t come in because she was terrified. I guess there were some tears.. but its all good... now!
OK so now, I would like to tell a story that kinda surprised me.. I dunno why it did, but it did. We met this guy who used to be a lawyer. He was a member of our church! He had the world by the tail. He was in the US legal! He was rich and all that.. rich for here.. but then he started to smoke... then started smoking marijuana... then crack. He lost everything.. he´s job, his family, his religion, his citizenship, everything. He just recently lost his girlfriend and where he was living. Crap like that happens here just like in the US. poor guy.. we have an extra mattress that we are going to give him and he was really excited about that.. now we just need to find him again. So also, we had a car wash
this weekend! That is why Í was in normal clothes and sun burnt. It was really cool! We got some references out of it and it was way fun! We only washed two cars, so we would play soccer in between... and I did my first realy rainbow! (not cheating) it was perfect! Like exactly over my head and in front of me.That made it into my journal as well.
Also, we might get a rabbit today. A lady in are ward has a bunch and giving them away! we´ll see:)
We got soaked yesterday. We left all of our things at the church to go pick up some investigators and the rains came down like no other! I looked like I just jumped in the pool.. and someone decided to turn the air conditioning on in the church so I was wet and freezing. So for the first time in the mission. I got hives. Then that night, it poured again and we were far from our apartment. We had umbrellas which helped a little bit, but we still got soaked. Even in the city, the drainage system isn´t very good so were like shin high in water. It was a cool experience I guess.. jaja!
Romans 8:35,37
Mum, for my package, can I get some degree deodorant? Its super expensive here.. and priesthood line of authority.. and I need some garments, but I´m going to the distribution center today, so hopefully they have the kinds I like.. if not I´ll let you know next week;) It was really cool to email back and forth this morning!!! I love you !
Dad, sick frame. that was so cool! good luck this weekend! you´ll do great. Don't give in! I love you dad.
Stee, sounds like you're having a blast! the guy does make leather bags so I´ll get one for you. I´m gonna get one as well! Keep working hard. Love you brotha.
L, thanks for the letter! It was really cool to talk to you all!
B, It was so cool to be able to see you with the pictures and the video. I never got the sound to work, but I´ll save it for when I have a computer with sound.
I love you all! Thanks for everything!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Zacamil- week 5
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Pancho Tanner |
Hola familia!
So this week I had the song from the Goofy movie in my head. Remember? at the very end when their at the concert? yeah that one.. its a good song, its just annoying when you dont know all the words!..jaja. But this week went by crazy fast. It was sooooooo busy. But first I´ll go through my list of things to tell you..
Happy birthday Monson! I know you birthday is this week!..I love you man! stay strong!
There´s no crosswalks here so you just cross wherever the heck you want and wait in the two foot median until you can cross, its crazzzy!.. jaja. Theres an elder in my mission that looks like Abed from community. It made me laugh. I took a few videos to send but they´re too big.. so I guess I wont send them.. jaja, but I did buy a cord this week to send fotos so that's all taken care of.. and it works! There is a handshake here that everyone and there dog does.. including me.. its like a regular normal high five, and then a fist bump.. it was kinda awkward at first... the way they do it is a little funky.. but its funny because even the 80 year old grandmas and grandpas do it. Its pretty funny. There´s different cars here. There´s a Toyota hilux here. Its a diesel and its pretty sweet.. I´ve never seen it before.. its sick. but only the really rich people have one here.. actually the assistants to the pres drive one.. bien chivo. I forgot to mention that there was an earthquake last week.. That was a crazy experience.I have never been in an earthquake before... anyway! btw, puchica = freak!
So there´s been some people asking me to teach them piano... I'm like.. yeah I´ll teach you how to play with all the extra time that I have in a week.. jaja.. then they're like.. just one song is all! but they don´t realize how much goes into to teaching one song.. jaja.. time signatures, note values, key signatures, notes themselves, how the keyboard works.. jaja.. but you know, whatever!
So our district is really awesome. There´s a saying or name among the missionaries here:" muy bien Pancho! It's like saying "good job Einstein!" So, our district is really funny and stuff and everyone has really taken that to heart, so we might make jerseys with our Pancho names on the back and Distrito: Los Panchos. My pancho name is Pancho Tanner. Not only because my first name is Tanner, but let me explain. Have you ever seen the story of John Tanner? Its like a twenty min. church movie that was really good and spiritual the first couple times you watch it.. then it just gets funny:) At The very end, Padre Tanner (Father Tanner) is leaving on a mission after giving a bunch of money to the church for the temple. Then, Joseph Smith yells, PADRE TANNER! And puts his hand up in a wave and just holds it there and has the funniest look on his face! So now everyone knows my first name, and whenever we leave the district, they say, Pancho Tanner! and put their hands up and make the same goofy face of Joseph Smith... hence, Pancho Tanner.:)
Also, I sent a picture of a family of birds that showed up in our house... we tried to feed them cereal, but they have yet to return.. jaja. Also, I sent a picture of the national bird. a torogós (sp?). they are pretty sweet as well.
Which brings me to my next topic. THE TEMPLE DEDICATION! Friday, Pres Eyring, D Todd Christofferson, and a member of the seventy came to talk to us. Both missions were there so I got see all my buddies from the MTC! They all went to the Santa Anne mission. That was incredible. There was a translator so it was really easy to take notes, because I had a lot more time to write everything down. It was an Incredible meeting, and funny as well. The driving here is kinda crazy.. so Pres. Eyring was like, I have never been to El Salvador before.. the driving is .... interesting. jaja. and yesterday when they were filling the cornerstone, he was like, como se dice?..NICE!? Then he would say like one word in Spanish and we would all laugh. Very spirit filled weekend. The Cultural celebration was Saturday and that was incredibly cool. I sent a picture of our Stake practicing. Sometimes you can watch them on a LDS website.. try and see if you can watch it! It was sweet. And the temple dedication was yesterday and that was also awesome. As elders, we were able to watch all three sessions! sick. :)
side note: there is a family in our Ward who is getting my comp and I this movie called la vida loca. Its about all the gang groups here. Its like a documentary. They showed us a little bit of it, but as missionaries, we´re not suppose to watch, so they´re getting us disks to take home in 21 months.. jaja:)
Also, we were able to watch a little bit of the Barca vs real game. That was intense. Barca won thankfully. My comp was ticked, because he is a Real fan. But no one is outside when there´s a game like that on..it was sweet.
Now for the most exciting part of the week: last week on p day we got a reference. They said she was really positive, and she wanted to get baptized so she could see the temple dedication. So we went that evening to her house. My comp said even if she wants to get baptized, we cant because she needs to go to church 3 times before. During the lesson, it was just powerful. I felt three times at she needed to be challenged for a baptism this weekend. but I didn´t say anything because my comp told me we couldn´t. But on the third time, my comp challenged her for this weekend. She was a little thrown off guard.. but my comp said, qué le impide?( what's keeping you from?) She said nothing and she accepted! So we hurried home, called the ZL´s and tried to explain the situation. Then we called the Pres. and told him the situation. He said he´d call in the morning with an answer. He didn´t. So we went to teach her like two lessons a day everyday to get her ready. She was doing all her assignments and everything. Then Friday, he told us we couldn´t because she doesn´t know what church is like. I was so let down!. I love my mission president.. I really do.. but I just couldn't understand!. How could we both feel the spirit telling us to challenge her and then it not work out?? Why would the spirit tell me to do one thing if it wasn´t going to be possible? I just don't get it sometimes.. its crazy how much I´m finding out the things that I don´t know.. I know we don't see the whole picture I'm sure there was a reason but its still hard!. I think she is going to France next week and going to be baptized with her family in France..(maybe that's why?) which is a lot better for her...I was just really confused...That night we got to see Pres Eyring like I mentioned... he said that not only are we sent to the place by inspiration, but also, we are sent to our mission presidents by inspiration.. it made me look at things a lot different. But this investigator is going to be a powerful convert. She had a testimony of the Book of Mormon the first verse we read together..She told us right after we read the first verse that she felt something about that book. She is amazing. Hermana Elizabeth is her name.
Mum, thanks for everything! My ingrown toenail is all better! we are actually not allowed to drink coke here but I have to drink pop here.. its the culture. They don´t really drink much plain water.. but I am drinking pop. We got some permitherin for bugs that we´ll be using today! So a package is coming? Thanks mum! I do have a few requests for the big one.
1. mario badescu face wash and healing cream
2. benzoyle and peroxide
3. life strength or power balance band (preferably the color white)
4. Skinny ties! Missionaries always love to get ties. my comp has like 60! its like our pride and joy to have ties jaja. but they don´t really do skinny ties here..
5. honeystingers!?
But that´s all I need! Thanks mum. I love you!
Dad, you´re an animal. You should send a picture of your new frame!! That´s so sick. I had no idea that specialized would give you a new frame if you broke it! That's pretty worth it then to get a carbon frame. How´s the training going? Whats your weight at? the weather here is off and on. It rains about everyday. Its not super hot.. its just the humidity that kills you. I sweat a lot.. but my skin is doing good! I actually have a lot less acne on my face. and my chest and back are pretty much clear. which has never happened. I don´t have rashes or anything. Everything is good! I do shower two times a day and our shower is inside.. our area is pretty unique because its like all apartment buildings. so we are on the third floor. and the toilets are the same as well.:) Someone cooks lunch and breakfast for us and the members usually feed dinner. and someone does our laundry as well. Maybe they don´t trust us to do it ourselves? Who knows! I´m not complaining! But thanks for everything dad. Your the man!
Stee, whats up mujer! sounds like everything going good! football sounds awesome and its cool that the coach likes you and everything. so you´re pretty close to starting huh? that's awesome! and you asked the Zarharis girl to homecoming? STUD. keep up the good work and always read your scrips and don´t forget to pray.
El, hey how´s it going? how´s school going and all that? are you liking choir? stick with piano. voice and piano are the perfect combo. every things good here! there´s this thing called the missionary handbook that you keep in your front pocket. I cut a picture of you and Brynn to fit in the little book so now I can show people you and Brynn really easy when we talk about families:)
Brynny Brynn! how are you? sounds like you´re having a blast with all of your friends and stuff. make sure you read above about the picture of you and El in my little book! its of you and El at bears ears:) I´m working on getting a hold of the guy to make the scripture cases. I sent a picture of kinda what they look like:) tell mum that she doesn´t need to put money in my account because it can be an early Christmas? sound good? OK.. love you!
Thanks for everything family! I love you all!
Monday, August 15, 2011
Zacamil- Week 4
Qué pasa calavasa?
T-shirt idea: ingrown toenails stink.
jaja... so I forgot my agenda with all my notes that I was gonna use to write all of you, but I´ll do my best to remember everything:) This week was good. Its always good. Its like time doesn´t exist here. I don't really comprehend time anymore... The weeks fly by like nothing I´ve experienced before.
I got a haircut this week from a lady in our ward.. I finally got it cut short to the way I would like it. In the mtc, they wouldn´t cut it short enough. But now its a 1 on the sides and a 2 on top... if I can't wear it long, I want it short! Speaking of hair, its weird... my hair on the rest of my body doesn´t grow as fast in the humidity. I was pushing it if I could go a week , but here its awesome. So yes, if you´re wondering, I´m still shaving my legs and arms. :) Maybe its the sweat? I hope my DNA is getting genetically mutated so when I´m back I wont sweat at all. Speaking of genetically muted, I think the bugs here are mutated. I get mosquito bites under my cloths when I´m in that sheet-sleeping bag. I think they´ve evolved to be able to pierce through all that. Not to mention all the mosquito's are the size of small dogs!
Something really cool this week: we finally got our house "clean". Its probably as spotless as it has ever been. We took a morning and just cleaned up all the garbage, took care of some spiders, mopped ,and cleaned the bathroom, etc. So its pretty awesome now. But that night, I went on divisions with a ZL and didn´t get to sleep in the newly cleaned house. Instead I was in a house filled with spiders. I. Hate. Spiders! I HATE DEM!! I hate all the spiders in the whole world!! so I was extremely paranoid all night, but I made it through the night and back to our "clean" house.
We had our other baptism on Saturday. It was pretty awesome. There is no other feeling like bringing the gospel to someone and watching them get baptized. It's da best! He's been an investigator of gold. And I came in on his second lesson, so that was neat! I confirmed him yesterday. Talk about nerve racking. I couldn´t say anything. You talk differently when you´re giving a blessing and I didn´t know how to do it... but my comp said I did good. Better than his previous comp that just went home. He said I need to practice because his previous comp had never done a confirmation in his whole 2 years. THEN, he brought me into a room and asked me to give a blessing to this guy who had chest pain... i was like... awww man...really? But I did the first part in Spanish and the second in English because my brain was not working.
So an elder from Costa Rica in my zone was talking to me about his companion that came in on the same day as me,because he's having trouble with learning the Spanish and was asking me for advice. Then he told me that I have the best Spanish that he had ever heard from a north American at one month. He said I spoke perfect. Which I know was a lie, but it felt really good to hear that. But I do not boast in myself. For I boast in my God. For with him I can do all things! Many miracles have been wrought among this land. Anyway, so the language is good. I can understand almost everything and get my point across and spit my thoughts out into conversations. Again, I´m so glad that I took 4 years of Spanish because no one else that came with me can speak hardly at all.
We made bread as a district activity with a newly baptized family... it was the coolest thing I´ve ever seen. He didn´t even use a bowl. I would send pictures but the elder that usually lets me borrow his camera isn´t with us today.. speaking of that, my cord isn´t recognized on any of the computers down here.. so I´m trying to figure everything out.. I´ll let you know if I need anything:)
My comp is teaching me a ton.. I´m learning scripture mastery's in Spanish and he´s teaching me songs in Spanish. Everyone loves it when I sing Spanish.. its kinda funny.. Elder Coy will say something like ´canta ventura´and then I´ll sing a song and everyone just laughs. Its pretty enjoyable.. but the thing is, my comp is tone deaf.. I´ve never actually met a person who is like legit tone deaf.. Its pretty funny. At first it really really bothered me because of my "training" :) in music, but now everythings fine:) I still play the piano every week for sacrament meeting. Except they don´t sing the songs correctly so I have to like play to what they sing.. its not like drastically different... its just little timing things. They don´t know any better.. so its all good:) Also, there are songs in Spanish that aren´t in the English hymn book.. so its interesting to play those.. jaja
We played fútbol this morning with our zone... its was really really fun. until I rolled my ankle again.. the ball went over into some grass and I ran up, got the ball, stepped in a hole, and did the same thing I did in the mtc.. luckily not as bad.. but its all good!
I keep finding out,and for some reason it always suprises me, that Spanish is a very affectionate language... I mean, If someone likes you, they tell you. In English, its not the same at all... Like if I like being around someone... you don't say it, you just hang out with them.. right? There are two hermanas, one from here and one from Guatemala, que me cayen super bien hombre. And they say the same. At first I was kinda freaked out.. but I´m learning that's just what they do:) Also everyone and their dog says something about my eyes or asks if I have a novia.. I say no.. and they just give a weird, sly smile.. and I´m like... uhhhh SALUD PUES. (salud = adios)
So mum, did you make scripture cases for anyone else? ones like mine? cuz if not, sometime I´ll get some made for you.. they´re like 18 bucks a piece. I just had a bunch of cases made for my scriptures, preach my gospel, my hymn book and all that.. they should be done Thursday.. so I´m pretty excited.. How´s everything going? It sounds like teaching is going good. Relief Society ?Creo que sí.. How is it with all the kids gone now? quiet? how´s Roxy doing? Tell her to stay alive. We were able to watch a Manchester game this week.. Well, just the last like ten min. It was awesome.. and Barca and Real played yesterday and play again on Wednesday.. you don´t find anyone when games like that are going on.. But everythings, good mum! Thanks for everything! Making sure I´m OK and what not.. keep asking me questions if I don´t answer.
Dad, Qué onda, Diesel hombre? sounds like the riding is going awesome. Whats your weight at? I dunno what I´m at now but I´m lighter than I was before I entered the mtc.. My belts prove it! jaja.. But keep riding! Make sure you drink a ton the week of the race.. don´t give in. don´t let up. Keep asking me questions if I don´t answer also.
Austin, Hola pancho! how´s football? school? how was it without the parents for a few days? relief from the wrath? jaja just kidding. BROMA!
Ell bell, how´s it going? sounds like everything is good! schools good and all that.. I never had any of your teachers.. but that's good that your sticking with choir.. stick with piano as well.. if your can play piano and sing, you´re set. People love that! Don't be exactly half of an 11 lbs. black forest ham.
Brynn, how are you? I hope everythings going good.. sounds like schools going good and all that. keep trying hard and read your scriptures!
I love you all!
Salud pues
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Zacamil~week 3
Hey Familia!!![](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjU_CMPOOonUkfaVU1kXTNS41QeSy2Q8jr7bgEvMyqFYmd9feAqTIA5a_TOkRZIZBZ0dvUMRxMdcOJ440sKfyQpB3PiwCq58rF0qnjAhGyZh98K_kNNdUYdUD8AhOOQgBftKmFOzZdGzD8/s320/Tanner+Mission+1st+bastism)
Whassup wassup??? This week went by waaayyyy fast. Holy hannah. I´ve already been gone for almost three months! Insane. It feels like 3 weeks. But all is good! People are funny here. They are super, super humble, but super funny... i think anyway.. People carry around their things on their heads and stuff. They wear the crocks shoes like its their job. Like people wear toms and vans in the states. The women just breast feed in public like no other. Even when we´re with the bishops wife, its just weird. When we´re teaching, women just plop it out there.. its like... awwww! What the $&$&Ç??????
But you know.. whatever. I guess I should get use to having to deal with that. If that's the worst of my problems then I´m doing pretty darn good.
Our house is like 5 miles away from the volcano.. so that's pretty cool. The rain storms are insane.. I´ve never seen it rain like it does here. And the lightning storms are even crazier. They are so cool! I imagine its like the storms and tempests before Christ came to the Americas. Its pretty much the best.
So our daily schedule is as follows: I´m starting to get up at 6 to get another half hour of exercise in. We usually go play futból at 6 30 for about 45 min. Then we go get our pupusas for breakfast, hurry eat and shower and have personal study for and hour. then companion study for 2. then language, then we go to our cooks to go get lunch. Then we go work. Then we sweat. Then we usually eat dinner at a members house. and then we come back to our house, and I shower again. then its off to bed!
the pupusas are good! I thought they were good from the start... I just threw them all up.. jaja. I had some horchata for the first time this week. It kinda tasted like coffee... I was like.. WHAAAT! jaja. just kidding... but seriously. It was a little weird, but good. Like that mint mojito gum from orbit that Mons got me hooked on that one time. Weird, but good:)
So we had our baptism on Saturday. That was awesome. Elder Coy was in the water with me because she was like 80 years old and needed some extra help. I baptized her. A Very very cool experience. Only her family was there and that's exactly how she wanted it. It was awesome because I was there for her first lesson. It wasn´t like I picked her up from a previous missionary. It was very cool. We came earlier that day to fill the font, when me and elder Jones were on divisions, but by the time we got there the font was empty!... what?. so we waited for like another hour to fill it up. We have another baptism this weekend! It was scheduled for the 20th but we decided to move it up so he could see the temple dedication...which is on the 21st.
On Friday, my comp had to go to another area to do interviews because he is the district leader.. So I was left with an elder that came in on the same day as me but was in beginner Spanish. So basically, We were two gringos that couldn´t speak very good and our comps left us.. jaja. Everyone in our ward found out and was all upset with my comp...jaja. Elder Jones(the elder i was with) couldn´t speak hardly at all. But that´s OK, because I can understand mostly everything and say what I need to say. I´m sooooooo glad that I took 4 years of Spanish. I'd be so lost if I didn´t..jaja. But anyway, elder Jones and I found a couple families while we were together. That´s exactly what we needed. So elder Coy went over there last night and talked with them a bit. They were bien bien amable.(they use 'bien' here as 'muy') They are Catholic, but they were really positive and such. Our mission president wants another temple announced here by the time we leave. If every companionship can baptize a family a month, as well as in the other mission, we´ll have it announced next year. So that's really cool.
But back to the division I had with elder Jones, our area is kinda filled with bolos (drunks) and your suppose to avoid them because they think you have a bunch of money. (i´ve actually been robbed twice, but of only like a doller..ja) But anyway, elder Jones didn´t know that, so we are walking and he decides to go up to a group of bolos and start talking to them... I was like...oh crap!. Now what am I gonna have to do to get us out of this?... but it ended up being OK... I got us out and later explained that we cant do that.. jaja:)
Yesterday was fast Sunday. We weren´t 5 min out the door when someone came up to us and was like, hey, when does your church meet? and can you come by my house?..... I was like... we should fast everyday! jaja...but it was really cool. Some of our family investigators came to church and it was all peachy. Until testimony meeting... I kept getting the impression that I should bare my testimony.. but I didn´t. Later I felt the regret and knew that it would have really helped our family investigators. Never again will I fail to follow the promptings del Espíritu Santo.
Everything is good! I´m understanding everyone. I can get my point across to people.
Dad, how´s the training going? When is the point to point? Everything going good? Hows Utah?
Mum ,thanks for everything! You are awesome. Thanks for the letters and making sure I'm OK.
Austin, hows football? you don´t wanna do it next year? jajajaja. how was the summer?
Ellie, I hope everythings going good! What died on you face? jaja(he's really not that mean! its from Psych)
Brynn, I hope everythings good! starting school and all that. Be happy and read your scriptures!
I love you all! have fun in Utah!
Whassup wassup??? This week went by waaayyyy fast. Holy hannah. I´ve already been gone for almost three months! Insane. It feels like 3 weeks. But all is good! People are funny here. They are super, super humble, but super funny... i think anyway.. People carry around their things on their heads and stuff. They wear the crocks shoes like its their job. Like people wear toms and vans in the states. The women just breast feed in public like no other. Even when we´re with the bishops wife, its just weird. When we´re teaching, women just plop it out there.. its like... awwww! What the $&$&Ç??????
But you know.. whatever. I guess I should get use to having to deal with that. If that's the worst of my problems then I´m doing pretty darn good.
Our house is like 5 miles away from the volcano.. so that's pretty cool. The rain storms are insane.. I´ve never seen it rain like it does here. And the lightning storms are even crazier. They are so cool! I imagine its like the storms and tempests before Christ came to the Americas. Its pretty much the best.
So our daily schedule is as follows: I´m starting to get up at 6 to get another half hour of exercise in. We usually go play futból at 6 30 for about 45 min. Then we go get our pupusas for breakfast, hurry eat and shower and have personal study for and hour. then companion study for 2. then language, then we go to our cooks to go get lunch. Then we go work. Then we sweat. Then we usually eat dinner at a members house. and then we come back to our house, and I shower again. then its off to bed!
the pupusas are good! I thought they were good from the start... I just threw them all up.. jaja. I had some horchata for the first time this week. It kinda tasted like coffee... I was like.. WHAAAT! jaja. just kidding... but seriously. It was a little weird, but good. Like that mint mojito gum from orbit that Mons got me hooked on that one time. Weird, but good:)
On Friday, my comp had to go to another area to do interviews because he is the district leader.. So I was left with an elder that came in on the same day as me but was in beginner Spanish. So basically, We were two gringos that couldn´t speak very good and our comps left us.. jaja. Everyone in our ward found out and was all upset with my comp...jaja. Elder Jones(the elder i was with) couldn´t speak hardly at all. But that´s OK, because I can understand mostly everything and say what I need to say. I´m sooooooo glad that I took 4 years of Spanish. I'd be so lost if I didn´t..jaja. But anyway, elder Jones and I found a couple families while we were together. That´s exactly what we needed. So elder Coy went over there last night and talked with them a bit. They were bien bien amable.(they use 'bien' here as 'muy') They are Catholic, but they were really positive and such. Our mission president wants another temple announced here by the time we leave. If every companionship can baptize a family a month, as well as in the other mission, we´ll have it announced next year. So that's really cool.
But back to the division I had with elder Jones, our area is kinda filled with bolos (drunks) and your suppose to avoid them because they think you have a bunch of money. (i´ve actually been robbed twice, but of only like a doller..ja) But anyway, elder Jones didn´t know that, so we are walking and he decides to go up to a group of bolos and start talking to them... I was like...oh crap!. Now what am I gonna have to do to get us out of this?... but it ended up being OK... I got us out and later explained that we cant do that.. jaja:)
Yesterday was fast Sunday. We weren´t 5 min out the door when someone came up to us and was like, hey, when does your church meet? and can you come by my house?..... I was like... we should fast everyday! jaja...but it was really cool. Some of our family investigators came to church and it was all peachy. Until testimony meeting... I kept getting the impression that I should bare my testimony.. but I didn´t. Later I felt the regret and knew that it would have really helped our family investigators. Never again will I fail to follow the promptings del Espíritu Santo.
Everything is good! I´m understanding everyone. I can get my point across to people.
Dad, how´s the training going? When is the point to point? Everything going good? Hows Utah?
Mum ,thanks for everything! You are awesome. Thanks for the letters and making sure I'm OK.
Austin, hows football? you don´t wanna do it next year? jajajaja. how was the summer?
Ellie, I hope everythings going good! What died on you face? jaja(he's really not that mean! its from Psych)
Brynn, I hope everythings good! starting school and all that. Be happy and read your scriptures!
I love you all! have fun in Utah!
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Zacamil-week 2
Hola Familia!
So I got the package this week. The office actually said that it got there before I arrived in El Salvador. It just took awhile to get it to me for some reason. But that was so cool! I don't think I've ever been so excited over a honey stinger waffle in my life. Those things are the best invention since the cotton gin. Jaja. But yeah I haven´t thrown up again! Just lots of dearra(spanish) But yeah! Actually they dont eat the same things in guatamala as the do in el salvador. No one eats pupusas except salvadoreños. So my comp Elder Coy told me that he got sick his first week here as well. I still seem to get sick to my stomach all the time... but what else is new.. jaja. I´m actually thinking about taking a big gulp of tap water. Then I would be sick for a few days and then be set for the rest of my mission. I'll just take an anti- parasite pill for a week when i get home.. That´s what some missionaries keep telling me to do. jaja.
But yeah we cleaned our apartment a little bit. its just hard to do because there´s not enough time in the day. But we´re working on it.
I´ve got mosquito bites EVERYWHERE. I spray myself all the time but whatever.
So, I felt so dumb that I didn´t say anything about dads birthday.. I was thinking about it all last sunday and didn´t say anything in my letter.. So happy birthday! And also happy birthday,mum in a couple days.
legit. Before his mission, my comp said that he could have gone pro, but he decided on a mission and said that soccer could wait. His girlfriends name is Hermana winters. But he also has a plan B..another girl who's serving in the other mission in El Salvador, Hermana
Hernandez. so just in case the 1st girl doesn't work out! :) Its kind of expected here for
girls to serve missions. One missionary here, from costa rica asked his companion if his girlfriend was going to serve and he was like, probably not.. and then his comp was like, why?
I dunno, its a lot more common here than in the states for women to serve.
Yesterday was pretty awesome. We went to 2 sacrament meetings and quite a few investigators
came. We´re baptizing a girl this weekend and we have another baptism date for the 20th of this month. Its pretty awesome. My comp said that every single month of his mission so for, he's baptized someone. Also, I had to annoint a three people this week in spanish.. i never learned that kind of Spanish vocab. At the MTC. so that was a little different.. But i got through it!
Last night was a little creepy. We were asked to dedicate a house of a family in our ward. The sister told us about these creepy weird things that were happening in her house and thought it was like some spirit of the devil or something like that. she told us about noises that she hears in the night and knockings at the door when no ones there, her dreams, just a bunch of weird stuff.. so we dedicated the house and gave her a blessing and called it good. We also talked about how when joseph smith went to go pray he was seized upon by Satan and told her all that she had to do is call upon God in the name of Jesus Christ. It was pretty strange, just weird seird stuff. But then my comp told me afterwards that the people here are very
superstitious and that the people claim that this happens more than you think. most of the people here are from the tribe Manasseh. He said that somewhere in the scriptures, it says that that this tribe is promised to have dreams.... like weird dreams or something... who knows? have you ever heard this?
But yeah, everything's good!
Hey, I can get some sweet scripture cases made here. Whoever wants one, give me the size of your quad, like if its a small one or normal one, ( I think dad has a normal and mum has a
small) but let me know who wants one and the size of the scriptures! It takes a while, but
they are way sweet. Also my comp gave me a sweet bag that i´m kinda excitd about.
But yeah, sorry i forgot my address to the mission home, but my package got to me??? next week I ´ll send it.
I hope everythings going good! thanks for all your letters and stuff! its cool to here from all of you. I hope i answered all your questions, there were a lot of them! But yeah, i guess
down here is kinda like mexico, but a lot different. Keep asking me your questions if i dont answer. How do I write cody? Do you have his box number?
Anyway, thanks to you all! We might go get some iguana for lunch today... are you a fan of delicious flavor??? jaja
I love you!
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