Friday, December 16, 2011

Zacamil- Week 21

Hi, how's everything going? It sounds like everything is going good with all of you! This week was good... a little interesting I might add... but good. The beginning of the week I was sleeping in my hammock... It was comfortable, its just that I cant hang it up in a very good position in our house... so it ended up being uncomfortable about 2 in the morning...jaja... This week was good, but it was a little hard... just that we are starting to sing all the Christmas songs and I started thinking about Christmas and all that... just thinking about home a little... but its all good. I'm staying busy! This week we ate at hermana Elizabeth's house and she played Christmas music in English(because she can speak English) and I accidentally called her grandma... she didn't hear... but OOPS! jajajaja...
This week was the famous game called the Clásico. The classic game between Real Madrid and Barcelona. We tried to work for a little while but it was very very inefficient.... no one was out and no one would let us in... so we went and watched it at lunch... jajaja. Thankfully Barcelona won 3-1. I won a new tie out of it...its absolutely crazy when there are goals. Fireworks and yelling and people running around for a few minutes until they go back to watch more... jaja. I sent a picture of my reaction after the game... jaja

ON Thursday we had a activity for the ward and some investigators showed up... but then they didn't show up for church? what the??? but that's OK.. it was a great activity for them and they must have just gotten a little bit busy... but we'll see tomorrow!!! jajaja. So do you all remember Carmen? The culebra we were teaching? Well she's basically awesome. She goes to all the activities. She has a bunch of friends in the ward already. She went to a dance the other day with friends from the ward... and, she has a testimony. She told us one day that she wanted to wait to get baptized to get to know the church a little more. Which is nothing unusual.. but we taught her a little bit on Saturday, went through the baptismal interview questions, and read acts 8:26-40. Then she accepted baptism for this weekend!.. it almost felt too easy... but it was legit. I think it helped a lot to have one of her friends from the ward there with us... jaja:) But we finally have another baptism this weekend! YAY.
The interesting part of this week was the beginning... A priest in our ward, who has been a great friend to me and always comes out with us was getting ready to leave on Tuesday(on his mission)... get set apart that night and leave the next morning. Something happened Tuesday with his non- member mom or something and suddenly he didn't want to go...:( we talked with him for a long time and we both thought that he was back on track. Then we went to an appointment and came back to see what the situation was... he told us that he had some news... that he would be spending Christmas with us and he would leave in January.. I was a little upset, because my mission has meant everything to me.. but I think it might be better for him to calm down and get all that stuff in order before he leaves... but we'll see. We did make a deal with him... that he has to come out with us at least 3 times a week to get him excited again about leaving... I really hope he ends up going... because he has become a great friend these past couple months in this area...and I want him to experience the happiness!
Something that I learned this week was that lots of people think that the book of James in the bible was written by the brother of Jesus.. In other words, the brother of Jesus wrote the versus that inspired Joseph Smith to go out and pray... small world! awesome!
Also, watching the game, I heard this Christmas song by Natasha Beddingfield... its called shake up Christmas... it made me feel good:) its really happy and got good lyrics... I didn't listen to it all.. it might not be your type of music either, but its good:) the girls will like it:)
Dad, thanks for everything! your the man... Alma 38:2-3. Also, we got permission to skype! but I gotta figure out more of the details.. Because if we cant find a member with a computer with a camera... we would have to come to a Internet cafe... and we wouldn't be able to do that on Sunday the 25... it would be the day before... But I'll let you know! Also that's legit that Andrew is going to work for you for a little bit... he's awesome.  Love you pops
Mum, thanks for your letter and letting me know whats going on and always helping me out! I'm excited to talk to you on Christmas! I love you
Lady, you are legit... I cant believe you got asked to Sadie's already... that's you brotha
Ellie. Thank you for that tree! that's so legit and all the notes on the back are awesome... thank you and I love you!
Brynn, You are awesome... great job on your state report.. I did mine on Utah... but anyways, you are awesome! I love you
I love you all! listen to Coldplay for me!

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