Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Zacamil- Week 14

Hola Familia!
Well first off, I wanna apologize for my depressing letter last week.... I just remember after sending it that I thought, well crap... that was stupid to say.  I was thinking, way to go tanner... But it seriously meant so much when you said that little Ashlyn Allen prays for me every time she prays... I dunno if I mentioned it last week, but that was awesome. I printed that email out to save it:) BTW, I also printed my priesthood line of authority... THANKS! for doing that for me. And I´m glad my little package got there! That was a relief... and it got there fast. I didn´t expect that. I thought mid November or early December... I guess I was mistaken! But I´m glad you all liked your stuff! I always keep my eyes open for cool tourist stuff, but this country really isn´t a tourist country... so its tough.. but I am always keeping my eyes open for stuff for you guys!
So yeah, it has stopped raining...  Luckily I am in the city so the drainage system is a lot better. But out on the other side of the mission in San Miguel, its bad... lots of floods and stuff... But Now every things good! At least in our area.  Also, I read in the paper this morning that there was a big earthquake in Turkey yesterday... there must be stuff that happens like that every day... we just don't hear about it... just like you guys had no idea about what was happening here! weird... But my umbrella finally broke... so I bought another and that broke as well. But I fixed it with some duct tape.. duct tape can fix anything. But yep! Its been sunny since Thursday!
Last Monday, we were doing a family home evening with the Lopez family..We were watching the RM...jaja and Sis. Lopez's sister called and said that their little boy had just broken his arm and was sobbing crying. I guess it looked like Austin's when he broke his! So we quickly ran over there, I gave him a blessing, we left and went back the next day and it was like nothing had happened! There were having a birthday party and stuff. (see pictures) there may or may not have been some drinking going on... drinking of juice! jaja.
But this week has been OK, numbers-wise.. I have never worked harder, but our numbers don't show... jaja.. QUOTE: You cannot control the numbers, you can only control the effort. Speaking of numbers, yes my comp still wants to baptize a ton. He'll figure it out. Yeah, we can go baptize that many, but it would be like baptizing inactivates... its exactly what dad said. Its about quality not quantity. All of my converts so far are all active and strong and have their testimonies... I don't wanna have converts a that are gonna fall away.
Also, this week, I had the second best lesson of my mission. We taught that one family about polygamy. Remember, he had a huge problem with it? It ended up being a 3 hour lesson where we watched the Emma Smith movie, read a butt load of scriptures, and by the end, they finally got it. I was so excited. Then they all came to church on Sunday and said that they wanna come next week as well. YEAH!!! I am almost positive that we can baptize them in November. Maybe heavenly Father was trying to teach me something when they weren´t baptized a few weeks ago. But also, my comp gave them the assignment to read Jacob 2 with emphasis on vs. 30. After that he said that he has never been sure about the Book of Mormon before, but now knows that it was from God. Fist pump. After that, we went to the familia Lopez and they downloaded the song Paradise for me! VIVA COLDPLAY! It's a pretty song as well. It sounds like a big song... a lot like lost was on the Viva la Vida CD.
Speaking of my comp, he´s really great... we are just two totally different types of people. I´m a hard worker, I think, but I like to work intelligently to get the most out of it... he doesn´t. He basically wants to kill himself from working. Its just one of those things that everyone told me before I left... You have to have time for fun. Fun is one of the things you need to have a good mission... I sure hope that he finds out how to have some fun one of these days...but other than that, he´s a good guy... he´s just really bold with investigators where I try to be their friend first and gain their trust and then be bold... but you know, whatever! (Have you ever wondered where you came from, why your here, and where your going?) :)
So I have had a countdown in my agenda of when the new Coldplay CD comes out. ITS TODAY! I want the low down... track by track review please. Whats good? Whats bad? (nothing) track by track!
Yesterday, we found someone that isn't a member but I thought that he was! He´s been coming to church with his wife for like two months and we found out that he isn´t a member! So we went by his house yesterday and by the end of the lesson was asking what he needed to do to be baptized! Crazy awesome!
"That which you serve, you come to love" good quote for you there... jaja
 So, about the Facebook, ehh... do whatever you think is right. I dont plan on using it for anything but keeping in touch with the people from down here, but I wouldn't mind having my close friends from home... but whatever! Thanks!
Well I don't have a lot of time to address all of your letters, but thank you for all of them and I really enjoy reading about what is going on!
I love you all!

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