Monday, October 17, 2011

Zacamil- Week 13

So this week has been pretty darn crazy. For one, I started training a new comp & it has been raining non-stop for the past week. I guess there's some hurricane going on or something? Some areas are really, really, bad. Like really bad! People losing there houses and stuff. Major mudslides and flooding. It was no surprise that the church down here all started doing humanitarian work.
So yeah, Monday night, at about 11:30, The president called when we were sleeping. Elder Coy got up and answered the phone. He then woke me up and said that I was wanted on the phone. I think I said something stupid because I was so tired and I didn't know what was going on... jaja.. but the president said that he wanted me to train a new missionary. I obviously acepted, probably because I was sleeping, but he told me to come to his area in the morning for a little bit of training. So,needless to say, I could not sleep that night. I was so nervous. And humbled that the president thought that much of me... I just finished MY training!...The president usually takes zone leaders and makes them trainers... I felt, and still feel way under qualified. Tuesday, I found out that I would be staying in Zacamil... Its quite likely that I'll be here for another 3 months. That would be ok... I like this area for the most part... its one of the only areas in the mission that has a mall you can enter without permission...jaja! Anyway, I sure hope that I can be as good of a trainer as Elder Coy was to me... Pres.Glazier said that the people that affect your mission and really your life most are- 1, the Lord.. 2, the mission president.. 3, your trainer (papá). Elder Coy has taught me so much and I will never forget him. On The day of the changes, he gave me a blessing before he left. I was, and still am, super nervous. But the blessing was much needed.
But Monday and Tuesday, we just visited some of our converts and families that have been really good to us and on Wednesday, Elder Coy got changed. We stayed in the church like all day waiting for the bus...but we made it fun.. jaja
That night I talked with my new hijo for a little bit.. His name is Elder Brose.. He's a gringo from Missouri.. He seems like a pretty cool guy.. He's just got some really high goals and stuff. Stuff that has never been done. Like baptizing a thousand! Thats pretty much impossible... but I felt something that maybe feels a little like parenting. :) I didn't want to let him down. I wanted him to get that goal even though its like impossible.. I personally have never had a goal for numbers and I really don't like it when missionaries have number goals...but I still don't want to let him down. Sure Alma did it, but he had 14 years... or something... I dont remember the story very well...That next morning, I spent my personal study praying harder than I ever have before in my life. Just crying, and pleading with Heavenly Father ... please help me to be able to do this. It almost seemed like everything Elder Coy had taught me went out the window...I've forgotten it all! That day, we didn't teach a ton, I just took him to meet members... so that helped a lot. That night, he started to cry and say how hard this really is and all that.. so I just talked to him for 2 hours straight... just trying to help him feel better.. I told him a little bit of how the mission is, how the culture is and how it is going to take a while to get the hang of it. The rest of the week went pretty smoothly...its just different... and you all know how much I dont like change... jaja... I was all ready to be junior comp and do what my comp says... I guess thats not where the Lord wants me... D&C 122.
But its all good! I'm staying positive.. Its just hard because I've also had a fever on top of all that... after church I went back to the house and slept for 3 hours. It was magical.
But anyway, so yeah, there's like a ton of rain.. the country is in like a state of emergency... the assistants called this morning and told us all to not leave our houses for the next two days unless its important... but I'm safe! So don't worry. :)
So, I got all teary eyed with the poem that Ellie sent and that comment about Ashlyn Allen praying for me every night. I have never stopped loving that family and it was such a huge blessing to hear that I still mean a lot to them and that they still are loving me! T-Allen is doing some good work up there right now... I know he is..
But thank you for everything! Sorry this was kinda a little depressing letter.. things are actually going pretty darn awesome... so dont make the mistake of thinking otherwise. I've been seeing lots of little tender mercies... But I'm sorry I don't have much time... but Can you give me my preisthood line of authority and the address to Grandma Thornton? I realized that I will never have enough time to write a email to her... tell her sorry until I can send a letter...BUT, thank you all for your letters... you have no idea how much they helped this week... the comments that you all wrote and everything... Hope everything goes well with dad also! good luck pops... and I love you all!
Elder T

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