Thursday, November 8, 2012

Santa Tecla-Week 66

So yep... I got changed to Santa Tecla... it is in the same stake as when I was in Nuevo Lourdes... I am still ZL... with an Elder named Graves. (and he looks like Harry Potter) I was super bummed to leave...I have been a little disanimated this week just a bit.  San Vicente was definitely my favorite area so far in my mission... and to only be there for one change really sucked. But I guess life goes splendidly. Our house here is cool though.. it was a seventy members old house and it is pretty American.
So surgery on my toe was super super painful! Even with the anesthetics... so I have been walking around in crocs for a few days... jajaja... I guess I was just joining the club.
I got the halloween package!!! Thank you! thank you! thank you !thank you!!!!!! that was super nice of you all:)  the tie was sick, candy corn epic, Austins letter just about made me cry.. jaja

So at changes meeting, we found out an interesting fact! Before the announcement of the age drop for missionaries, the average mumber of applicants was 400 missionaries/week.... the week after conference, it shot up to 4000 with more than half sister missionaries... I think now that I would most definitely like to marry a returned missionary now that they have the oppurtunity to go at 19:) And our mission has a capacity of 190 missionaries right now... in about three months, it will shoot up to 250.
Elder Scurr is in my zone again! We left San Vicente together to come here again. also, side note, the hermanas that came out with me are leaving to go home this change.... HOW CRAZY IS THAT???
Hermana Elizabeth got endowed last week:) Nothing could make me feel happier.
Since I got here, I have been seeing people from my first and third area.. considering they are pretty close. It is super cool to see people and just know people:)
So we were teaching the plan of salvation this week and it just hit me... I have such a desire to be exalted... I want to be like Heavenly Father. But I also realized that it is going to take a lot more than what I am doing... I dont think that having a valid temple reccomend is going to get you to the highest grade of the celestial kingdom.. but it will get you in there I think... but probably wont be able to be exalted.
We taught a lesson about family history last night and I got all excited to do my own family history! Its super weird what you get excited for as a missionary.. jaja...
Teaching an investigator and it was the first time a non member recognized me as a representative of Jesus Christ.. She said, "I can see the purity in your faces... you are good representatives of Jesus Christ." it was a very cool experience.. sometimes you need experiences like that when youre baggy for your last area... jajaja...
Last week on Thursday, we had a mission conference... first one of my mission... it was with the entire mission... usually when that happens, its with both missions.. but I guess Pres just wanted to do something different! But it was really really cool... it was on the importance of the atonement.. and the doctrine about talking with everyone. And the concept of talking with people instead of talking to people... I feel like I have good people skills in Spanish.. but its a whole other ball game in English... I might try working a least a little bit with a job that works with people to try and develop that skill..
Speaking of work... I would like to try and get the EMT by the end of July... then I could work for a month in Flagstaff before school starts and as I am going to school.. get the paramedic thing... the reason I would like to do it online is because I want to get it done a lot faster than going to class for a semester or two.. and if it so be that I have to take our a loan to do it... so be it! jaja... but from what I understand, you have to get and EMT basic first... then you can go to the paramedic level.. so.... yeah... but thanks for continuing to check up on that:) I guess i could talk to you more in detail on Christmas:)
I love you all and thanks for everything! Pray for me to go back to San Vicente.. jaja!

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