Monday, October 22, 2012

La Torre- Week 63

This week went by so freaking fast. Monday, p day. Tuesday, ZL meeting at pres house all day. Wednesday, divisions with assistants, Thursday, zone meeting conference thing. Friday, normal... Saturday and Sunday CONFERENCE!
We´ll start from the top:) Tuesday we had the meeting with the president in his house.. it was super spiritual and changed a lot of what I have been doing. First off, my first kid Brose is a ZL now as well so that was really cool to see him. He is doing great:) I also saw Elder Mehr which was awesome. They gave us breakfast, lunch and desert.... Americanized.. I think I went to heaven that day.. strawberry cheesecake. An unheard luxury in this country. jajaja! The subject was many. A lot of it was about the atonement. We cannot teach people with the hope that they will understand if we do not understand at least a fraction of that principle, or better said, experienced the atonement. So we worked on our invitations touching and bearing solemn testimony of the atonement. It changed a lot. Also, another possible unstated topic was bettering our relationship with God. Something that I have tried to do to better my relationship with God or to know him better (john 17:3) , is to pray to Him as if He were in the room and I were talking with my best friend. Because that is exactly what He is to me. My best friend. Changed a lot... and it has made all the difference this week especially before conference.
So we have changed JAM ON. to an acronym: Just answer my only need. Its basically a huge attempt to answer peoples question: "why do I give a crap about your message?" We as missionaries always hear the phrase: "teach people, not lessons" but it makes it a lot different when you internalize that principle. To try and answer that only need, we try to answer three questions with the investigators: 1. Who is God? 2. What does He do?(his purpose?) 3. And Why does he love me? It hopefully will have some good results
so I received a bunch of letters! WHOOP! Definitely have a bunch to write.. jaja...
also, I have started a dream book in result to Richard G Scott's last conference address in April. I figure if I write them down, I will receive more revelation through my dreams.. So far, I have only received two dreams with revelation... but it has been really cool! in the first, I realized that it was a revelation for JAM ON! it was way cool:)
I traded Elder Mehr for a moleskine pocket notebook.. the ones that I wanted.. I´ll send you pics so you know what its all about:)
Also, something from the presidents meeting, was a new project that I like to call Jump-Roids. where does the name come from? Because it is like a bungee jump lesson... on steroids. Hence the name jump roids. Basically, we go in and bless houses and people and leave. So that they can feel "the power of godliness". Which is the atonement... people can experience the atonement through participating in ordinances. This jump roids comes as a result of DyC 84:21. It has been awesome these past couple days.
So now we have the bomb, bungee, rip tear, jump roids, and jam on... I love them all:) and they all have good results.
Divisions with the assistants... I went with Elder Boj from Guatemala. The other assistant is Elder Naylor that also does cycling.. and I hosted him in the mtc (greeted him out of the car) yup, we have a bond... jaja! But basically what I was able to learn from Elder Boj, is that I have so much to learn. He is awesome.. and he is going home in December. I have so much to learn.
Zone meeting... awesome. I thought I was getting over my tears when I speak of the gospel.. or maybe I thought that I was immune in Spanish.. but they came out for the first time in a long time this time.. mostly when I talked about making Heavenly Father your best friend.
You have undoubtedly heard the incredible news of this conference. Basically I had some tears again.. jaja. This conference was so good. I always love Elder Holland, even though I have heard him give that talk before and I have it on dvd!.. the story is a little bit more powerful when he talks to missionaries.. but then the end of his talk in conference was way more powerful. I loved Pres Eyring´s, Elder Bednars, and Pres Uchtdorf. Very very powerful.. how blessed we are to have the knowledge that there is a prophet. And that God still speaks to his children through them. The news about the change in the missionary age was something seriously spectacular. Austin can leave right when I am back! What an amazing blessing. It would have been so much easier for me to have left right after high school. The missionary age change for women was even more shocking! jaja!.  I love conference and I am so grateful for a prophet.
Mum, thanks for everything! You are so awesome and a wonderful mother. Thanks for everything. I love you!
Dad, thanks for everything and I hope everything is going great! Sounds like it is anyway.. sounds like you are going to be busy for the next couple months with all those races:) love ya pops.. make sure you are doing the small and simple things that I told you about... don't miss a week going to the temple or a day reading the scriptures.. starting today.
Austin, can you believe the news? what a huge should put your availability date for may 27.. its a Monday. Get out as fast as you can! and it is so awesome that you know why you have had all of these trials lately.. they were to prepare you to be an awesome missionary. I am sorry I wont be able to call you, even if I really want to... it would be worth more to you if I don't call, something that I would do now would be a few: It will take some sacrifice, but its all necessary; read the book of Mormon at least 15 min a day, study the preach my gospel for at least 15 min a day... that would be 30 min of study a day... no matter how many times you start and finish and start and finish, do that until the day you leave... start the day and end it with a prayer, as if Heavenly Father were in the room. If you can get into mission prep, do it. Don't let anything get you out of your focus. You sure make me proud! Thanks for the nice things that you have written in my letter.. basically almost cried. Theres definitely a lot of stuff that is dear to me. love ya bro.
Ellie, can you believe it? crazy stuff! I am glad that you have loved conference so much and thank you for your example. You are really becoming spiritually mature. Always read you scrips. And pray as if God was in the room:)
Brynn, I am glad that you liked conference so much! And that you are all ready for Halloween! love ya!
Elder TTT

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