Monday, August 27, 2012

Versalles- Week 56

So this week went by fast! I`m glad Noah was able to get a hold of you guys... he is a way cool guy. Yeah, we had only had like 3 changes where were not in the same zone.. just for my first zone I never saw him...jaja.. way funny guy:)
I had vertigo this week.......whoa
This week I had divisions where I did 4 interviews. Way awesome!
So I have a new motto for goal setting... under committ, over deliver. Our baptism goal for Sept is 1.... but we have 8 that could very possibly get baptized... I am stoked:)
This morning we tried to find a church on top of a mountain. Yeah, we go lost going up the hill... so we didn't make it... hahahahah.
Congrats for Scott! He is going to be such a good missionary!
We started looking for people in a different area.. they seem to be very receptive... the people.
Had some cool experiences this week.... here it goes!
Last Monday night, we were searching for a house.. of a family that had come to church out of the blue... they had given us the wrong directions... so basically I was praying my heart out to somehow miraculously find the house. then-........ the daughter walked by... yes..... so we talked to her and she led us to the house:;) legit
After finding that house, we found this one lady that had some of the best questions anyone has ever asked me in my mission. Like when we were describing prophets....she asked " are there prophets today?" When we talked about prayer towards the end, she was like "how do I know if it is the holy ghost or just in my head?" I was like.... I have had that question for almost my whole life....then read some scriptures to help her to know...  way sick... I am stoked for her...
We got a member reference that wants us to come by this Saturday and he already wants to be baptized. He already wants a fecha to prepare blessings and miracles:)
Teaching one of that guys family members(at church yesterday): we told him to pray about it all... and he was like.. I already did! I know its true! that's why I´m at Church today! ...... first lesson was yesterday...
We found this kid that's going to college. He is studying science. ("!i don't believe in God, I believe in science)(Nacho Libre)  and he said that he was starting to lean towards atheism. That's a first down here south of the border... at the end of the lesson, I was asking him like what he studied and stuff.. he talked about a bunch of stuff about biology. My major.. he started explaining Charles Darwin and stuff like that... then I just explained to him..."look.. I love science. I was studying the same thing when I was in college.. science and God go together. You cant have one without the other. Evolution is real... but on a micro level.. not macro. They go together! God is real! and Science is real! and that's how Darwin thought as well"  Darwin gets thrown under the bus sometimes.. he was a monk before he was a scientist.... fun fact for the day:) I dunno... it was just really cool to be able to use something I studied from college in my teaching in El Salvador..... weird---- never would have thought!
This week a family that we are teaching invited us to dinner. It is a very nice family and interested in the message. They are reading and praying, but haven´t come to church yet. When we were at dinner, he told me a story that brought tears to my eyes. He said that years ago, he worked next to one of the offices of the two missions in El Salvador, and whenever missionaries would meet there, he would stand in the doorway and wait for someone to talk to him. But no one ever would. He said that he was so curious to know what we taught. But no one would ever talk to him. So he thought that the Mormon missionaries just don't talk to anyone. Later, he had always seen them around, but they never had come to his door. So he thought that we must have our houses that we visit but we don't visit any others. Then he looked at me and at my companion and said, "It really has been a pleasure talking and sharing with you. When you came to my door, I was so excited. Thank you." I Hope that I can always talk to and discern who is ready and who needs to be talked to. :)
Mum, thanks for everything! I love you! I think I will only be with my comp until October... by the way... I hope you are not already thinking about Christmas... just send me like a tie and save the rest for when I´m back:) I love you! salu
Dad, sounds like everything is going good for point to point in a couple weeks! I cant wait to be on the bike man.. i get antsy... I just want to pedal!!!!!-  anyway. love ya pops! salu
Austin, I got a scripture for your hernia.(deut23:1) look it up and you´ll laugh! dude I´m bummed for you about surgery and all that... just listen to some good music for me:) I´m glad those bands are sick and weird.. I´m sure I´ll like them... I have always like bands that break the music rules:) hahaha love ya bro.. keep your head up
Ellie, sounds like things are going good with school and all that stuff! stay safe and be nice to everyone! love ya!
Brynn, sounds like this week went a little rough, but just keep your head up and be happy.. and make being happy  a habit... love ya!
I love you all! thanks for everything!
How sweet the joy this sentence gives: I know that my Redeemer lives!"

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