Thursday, April 5, 2012

Ilopango- Week 36

Conference highlight: Christofferson: TRANSLATE THAT! JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAAJA. That was the only session I watched in Spanish and they didn't translate it! jaja.. (Sunday morning I had to accompany an investigator, she didn't speak English..jaja)
My favorites from conference:
Elder Holland... duh... always my top favorite.. but the whole thing on being patient and the parable that he told.. that we shouldn't get envious if someone else gets some blessings and we have been working longer...way good.
Cook: being in tune with the music of faith.
David A Bednar: macheting all those who have the priesthood and don't work. Hit the nail right on the head. Cavalito. We do need to act differently because we have the priesthood.
Elder Uchtdorf; Don't judge me because I sin in a different way than you. Way, way good. cavalito.
Nelson: nature of God. Analogy about the blowing up of a print shop and getting a dictionary.. doesn't work... jaja
Hallstrom: gospel vs. church.. Need them both. way good.
Henry B Eyring: about trials, I always think when they talk about that stuff that they must be talking about someone else because my life is good. But really, we all have trials... apply it to ourselves even if we think their not talking to us. We all have trials, whether it be school, work, whatever...
Always the prophet. awesome.

I say it was a very successful conference. So darn legit. I saw all in English, except for one session on Sunday. An investigator came. Her name is Soyla. She is sincere. I think its for sure that she'll get baptized. Especial after hearing the prophet.jaja... Did you catch the theme of conference? Definitely families. FAMILIES! bueno
Also, my old bishop from my old area came to our stake center to watch conference with his family. It was so cool to be able to see them. And after the sessions was over, they were looking for me to say goodbye. And it seemed to me that they were convinced that they were not going to leave until they had found me. They were such great friends and such a great bishop. My first ward was so awesome. I am so grateful for the people that I met there and the friends I have made. Bishop Moroni Martinez.

So last Wednesday, we had changes. You all thought that it was the week before.. but no... it was like 5 days ago. But my new comp is Elder Rivas from Guatemala. I think Brynn might be taller than him. he's tiny... jaja. sorry, don't have a picture yet.  But anyway, despite the fact that he's kinda a dork, he is one good elder. He is very humble and has a huge desire to learn. I am looking forward to working with him.
So in the meeting for the changes, pres asked Elder Escalante to rap a song he wrote about the familia. It was so legit. I played the coldplay song lost. And... I think i felt the spirit. Pres started crying. jajaja...But I did a complete 180 with Escalate over these 3 months... I went from wanting it to end as fast as possible to not wanting it to end... went from bugging me to death to loving him. I was sad to see him go.But its all good. all good things must come to an end... at least in this life.

So the Tuesday before the change, we had our general conference number 4 for the zone CHIVOPANGO! Before every change we have always done something fun to remember the good times of the zone. It was so darn funny and so fun. I've got videos:)

It just keeps hitting me how much I need to improve. How much more I need to rely on the spirit and to recognize when he is talking to me. It just kinda hit me that I need to be so much better. All the mistakes I've made. Before and during the mish could have been avoided. Just to put it into perspective, When Jesus Christ comes again, it will not be the sight that convinces us... it will be the spirit. The same goes for everything when it has to do with the gospel. Showing anyone the plates would not convince them of the Book of Mormon... they have to gain the testimony. The voice of the spirit bore a witness more vivid than sight: Anyway, I need to improve... I need to be better...

Mum, thank you for everything! I really love you a ton and can't wait to be able to talk to you in a about a month! Hey when you send me a package, can you send me the video to my senior recital? Bishops son wants to see...also, you have amazing taste. Every single tie you have sent me has been like my favorite tie. I love the Ben Sherman's and the penguins. yeah, if you ever want to send a missionary something, you cant go wrong with a tie! Thank you! I love you!

Tod "so fast he dropped the D" Thornton!!! jajaja. that's so funny! I cant wait to be able to ride with all you guys again. its been a while... but at the same time, its insane... its already been a year since the tour de mesa... that is so crazy. But thanks for everything pops. I couldn't do what I'm doing without you... love ya!

Austin, did you enjoy conference? dude.. it was sick...try out listening to those talks mentioned above again. awesome. And you should consider getting your patriarchal blessing... I think it would be a great asset for you and a great way to start getting ready for the mish. love ya bro!

Ellie, I'm pretty darn sure that Kony 2012 is something that has to do with "invisible children"in Africa... thats just what some elders say here that they have heard... hes like a dictator for some country in África and they are trying to get him in prison this year... who knows... could be wrong!But conference was awesome! hope you liked it! Pay attention to what they said. Remember that what people think is cool in high school really has no importance in life... just always try your best in school... because yes, that counts. love ya!

Brynn, thank you so much for the PJs you sent me !I cant believe you made them! Those were so sick! Thank you so much! Happy Easters! Remember the conference messages.. And don't you ever feel like you are not beautiful just the way you are. Don't worry what other people might think..... you are perfect just the way you are.. and don't ever think differently. te amo mucho.

 I love you all a ton!

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