Monday, November 28, 2011

Zacamil- Week 18

Hola panchos!
So this week was pretty crappy... numbers-wise... we had like four bad days this week where all of our appointments fells through and all the members that were going to come out with us had sudden changes in plans... but you know, whatever... I guess that happens sometimes... But this week should be a lot better! Its already started a lot better..we played futbol today! The beginning kinda sucked but towards the end, it was awesome. I was basically MESSI! (The best player in the world who plays for Barcelona/Argentina) Anyway, it was a good time.
I did get to use a new toothbrush this week! That was pretty legit... some people burn ties... I have some pretty ugly ones that I don't like, but I decided I'll just wait until my year mark to burn a shirt and a tie...
I also met a Brazilian guy who is so black and so ripped and played for a professional team for El Salvador... basically, I want to be him... I tell people a lot that I want to be black... always have... then all my dreams would come true. jajaja.
So I did get a new pair of shoes this week... for futbol... Elder Coy was letting me use a pair of his... its just that the shoes that I brought (my two pairs of barefoot shoes) they kill my toes when I kick the ball..:) So there is this kid in our stake that can get legit discounts at the Adidas store... so I gave him fifty bucks and he brought me the pair that Messi wears! I was stoked. I definitely didn't expect that, but i was excited. I will have to send a picture. but....... THANK YOU ABUELITOS! I figured they could be for and early Christmas... jaja.. Thanks grandparents.
Elder Brose and I are going to do our own turkey day... considering we are both gringos.... well he's German and I'm English... that's what we say anyway... I cant wait until I'm home and actually get to choose how much food I want to eat. I always feel so stuffed and fat... we eat so much... not because we want to, but because everyone gives us a boatload of food... and its not like you can say no to them... but whatever... I guess I'm just getting prepared for turkey day. Here they don't celebrate Thanksgiving so almost every house already has had their Christmas decorations up! For about 1-2 weeks. Its pretty insane for me... jaja... but i like it:)
So I have had THE FRAY stuck in my head all week... not their newer stuff, but their older stuff... From those summers at Tee'd off golf...Its weird how long that has been... it seems like yesterday When we used to work there... jaja.."everyone know I'm in over my head ..over my head"
Here's a funny story... we went to go visit one of my recent converts this week...I had mentioned to her that I want to be a doctor... she happened to study medicine... so she got on her computer and started to show me some of here power points that she did and what she studied... turns our she had studied the reproductive process of women... she had diagrams... all that stuff is super interesting and stuff, but COME ON! I"M A SODDING MISSIONARY! I already see women feed their  babies on almost a daily basis... but anyway... my comp and I were laughing about that quit a bit... jaja..
I am also reading Jesus the Christ... wow... what a book! I am learning so much about Him... its insane...I am learning a ton!
On a more spiritual note, elder Brose and I had to give talks in church yesterday... it went really well... I was really surprised with how Elder Brose did.. he did awesome. I just talked about the first principals and ordinances of the gospel... it was good!
Also, we have are teaching some culebras right now... we found them through a fake address that someone gave us one fast Sunday... we went to their house to contact the guy and it was a house where three women lived we asked if we could come back and they said it would be alright... we went back and taught them, went back again and only two were there but accepted to be baptized. It almost felt too easy... its just a testimony of fasting... because that fake address that the guy gave us led us to a house where people are prepared and ready... and because they like us, they are doing the things that we want them to do (reading and studying the Bof M) and actually gaining a testimony.. its legit...
One of our families, we are trying to get them to get married... We had a lesson with them this week and we had them write cards to each other of what they felt for the other...It was very successful. I am excited to find out what happens... it was a very different lesson... different than any other lesson I have done... but it went really well:)
Mum, thanks for everything ... i still haven't got my packages yet but I know that they are in the office... so I'm just waiting for the ZL's to bring them to me.... why would I have to wait until the first of Dec? why not the 25? I was just a little confused... but that's OK! don't worry, I'll figure it out :) love you mum
Dad, good to hear that the trade show went well! and it was cool to know that you talked with Neil and stuff... Last week was the first time I had done a session at the Temple here.. it was really a cool experience.. And it sounds like that the tour went well and everyone did good... love you pops
Stee, it sounds like you are really liking the name Patrick, considering the last two letters you said you are going to name your son that... It would be really funny if you only have daughters! jaja... But it sounds like your getting pretty fat as well. me too.. jaja just kidding... but that's cool that you have been biking! keep it up! love you brotha
Ell bell, sounds like things are going good and that you are having lots of fun with your friends! always read your scrips and pray every day! love ya!
Brynnie Tay, I'm glad that everything is going good with you too! Sounds like knitting is going good and that you are all excited for Christmas! stay nice so that Santa will come! the elves are watching! love ya!
I love you all and thanks for everything!
Elder TTT

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