Monday, July 25, 2011

Holy Cow! I'm Here!

Hey family! so its my first week in El Salvador! it has been crazy. So
Mondays are p days... Today.. i am typing really slow because these
key boards are really weird..jaja but every things good now! The first
day, we just went straight to a house to sleep. We arrived in El
Salvador like at nine and  the airport was like an hour from where we
were so we just slept.
The next day we had like this training thing at the presidents house. We
went to get our "green cards" so now i am a legal resident of El
Salvador. We had some meetings like all day just trying to figure
everything out.. what to eat, what not to eat. They gave us a bottle of
pepto and sent us off. the norm... jaja. I met my new comp!  His name
is Elder Coy. He is so awesome. Everyone says to me that I got the
best trainer that i could´ve had. he`s from Guatemala and he doesn`t
speak a lick of English.. so i`m learning a lot more than I was in the
mtc. He`s teaching me all the slang and stuff.  because the people
here speak somewhat in a form called vos..its super informal and stuff
but to understand people, you need to understand vos..but the thing is,
they don´t know how to speak it correctly.. so they only use some
words in vos and some not in vos... its weird.. they say stuff in this
country that they don´t say anywhere else.. like they just say buenas
for buenas noches etc. and for adios, they say salud.  chivo for cool
while in every other country its different.. just stuff that you could
have never learned in the states. Anyway!!
The first day with him, we went to the temple in the capitol. (I´m in
an area called zacamil, about twenty min from the capitol)It was
awesome. the open house is still going on so it was cool. Then we went
with this family to eat dinner....pupusas... they were awesome...
until that night... crap.... well anyway, I threw up all night. i´ve
never felt so sick in my entire life.
That next day, I felt horrible. i felt like I could barley walk. I was
hurting like a mother bear. but we went to the temple again to be
guides for the people, but I basically just sat in a chair the whole
time.. but that´s not even the worst part.
THEN, we went through the temple a few
times and spent an unusually large amount of time in one of the sealing
rooms, while my comp told me about his girlfriend and how they already
have a wedding date(she´s serving in Nicaragua)... I was
like... awww man. I sat in a chair for the
rest of the day, found a nurse and slept the whole afternoon... That
night.. I was like, I´ll give this place one month... because I was
seriously hating life.
The next morning, I asked for some help, I was feeling a bit better,
and they day could not have been more perfect.  don´t test the Lord...
because he´ll come down on you with a snap of the finger... so I was
like, ok...that was fast, you got me, i´ll stay. I forgot everything
about the day before, We taught people, someone accepted a date to be
baptized and it was absolutely amazing.  She´s going to be baptized
the 6 of august and I couldn´t have been more excited. Losing yourself
in the work, it works. I read and re read those verses in Alma 38:2-3
dad sent me and I think about pres hinkley´s dad and I forget myself
and work. And that night, I heard speed of sound on the radio. I don´t
think i´ve ever been happier. Thank you for the tender mercies of the
Lord!  It is crazy.  (very heavy American influence here) I love it
here. the people are so humble and loving.  totally a different
culture.  We are teaching this one family, the first time i went, i
thought this girl was the only one living there. she had a little girl
and was pregnant.  Beautiful girl.  Later my comp asked me how old i
thought she was, i guessed around 20.. i was wrong. she is 17 and
pregnant with her second child.  her first she had when she was 15.
just crazy.  We went back later to find the rest of the family there
and there were like 8 kids.  to say the least, they wanted me and my
blue eyes. they kept saying déme sus ojos(give me your eyes.) I later
asked my comp what i need to do in that situation and he said to say:
i´ll give you my blue eyes if you come to church on Sunday. jaja so
next time i know exactly what to do :)
Our apartment is D-I-R-T-Y. We were suppose to clean it today but
we´ll see how that goes. My comp says we need to go and help the
sisters clean their place.. because there house is worse than ours.
(I dunno how to send pics yet, but i´ll learn how for next week)  We
have cold showers.. just like a hose out of the wall pretty much.. but
its ok, I'd rather have it cold cuz its so hot here. it also
rains like no other. But that's OK because they say the more it
rains in your mission, the hotter your wife will be:) just kidding...
but for reals, that´s what they say.  But anyway, I will never
complain about anything in the states ever again.
Today i had one more pupusa to see if it would stay in my stomach, and
so far its been successful!
Its pretty dangerous here.. I know you were making plans to come pick
me up, but I would never let you come here.  I´m safe but I don´t
trust many people.  People like to try and take advantage of me
because i´m white. But don´t worry! I´ve never been safer in my life!
I´m loving life here!  Everyone is really into soccer.. of course..
everyone is either for barca or real. (Barcelona or Madrid) I like
barca, my comp likes real. And the American finals were yesterday.
Uruguay won. it was pretty darn cool.
Hey if you want me to send you some cool stuff, make sure some money
is in my account and i´ll get around to sending something super cool!
That's really cool that cody´s gone! or leaving! he´s gonna love it.
He´s gonna have a hard time understanding the republican Dominicans..
they speak crazy. people who have been here for 20 months say they
have a hard time understanding them.  Because they are just like
Jamaican English.. they talk with a really strong accent and shorten
all their words.. but he´ll be awesome!!
Anyway, I love you all! thanks for the prayers and support! Lemme know
whats going on!

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