Saturday, May 21, 2011

1st Letter!!!!

Hey Familia!
I just want you guys to know that I'm OK :) I made it to Salt Lake & then to the MTC. It was really cool! There were 10 elders and 5 sisters on my plane, so that was really cool.  Grandma and Grandpa and I went to lunch @ Village Inn, and that was really fun. Then i got to the MTC & saw a bunch of guys from Mt. View.  It was so sodding sweet!  But yeah, I met my district and they're pretty cool.  I like my companion, "Ghee Buttersnaps, aka the heater"(or Elder Trume)  He's from Connecticut . He's really cool, I like him.  Most of my district is either going to Chile or El Salvador.  I'm the only one going to the East though.  Yeah, when I got to the classroom, we were already all speaking (pretty much) nothing but Spanish!  I was a little thrown off guard, Ha.  Yeah, I'm pretty exhausted but that's OK!  The Lord will bless me with strength.  I've got 2 scriptures already that will be considered my favorites: Alma 26:12 and  Alma 26:16 "I cannot say the smallest part which I feel." Mom, stay busy, I love you and stay strong.  Thanks for getting me ready to go.  I couldn't have done it without you.  Dad, ride your bike, get down to a solid 185 lbs. and keep yourself occapado.  Austin, stay strong.  Have faith.  If I can give you any advice, it this: Don't get a girlfriend- girls are mean!  Don't mess up! Keep your eyes on the prize, always!  Pay attention in seminary.  Study your scriptures everyday, don't just read, study for at least a half-hour a day.  Ellie, express yourself.  It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks of you. I know you're like me and you like to keep things to yourself.... DONT! IT SUCKS! (que rollo)  Mum and Dad are always there for you.  Brynn, stay strong. Everything is gonna be alright.  Don't worry about a thing.  Just ask Bob Marley :)  This is gonna be hard, but it will be worth it, OK?  Anyways, its crazy how much I don't know!  This will be a lot of work, but it will also be the easiest 2 years of my life.  I love you all!
                                                         Love, TTT


  1. Ha I love this! Laughed and Cried! Tod and Marni - you should be beaming with pride. You have raised an amazing young man!!

  2. I love his advice to Austin-I passed it on to all my boys :) He is awesome, thanks for sharing the letter.

  3. Aw how sweet of him to pass on advice! Haha girls are mean!--not bad advice though haha ;) Glad to hear he's doing well! Best wishes to the family--I'm sure it's hard letting your oldest go, but he will do AMAZING and you will be so blessed! It was amazing to see how much my family was blessed when my oldest brother was on his mission :)
